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Phase Noise and Frequency Stability in Oscillators

Auteur : Enrico Rubiola
Année : 2008
Éditeur : Cambridge University Press
Tags associés : Electronique & traitement du signal, Mesures temps-fréquence, Oscillateurs,
En résumé
Presenting a comprehensive account of oscillator phase noise and frequency stability, this practical text is both mathematically rigorous and accessible. An in-depth treatment of…
The reverse engineering of oscillators based on phase-noise spectra is also covered, and end-of-chapter exercises are given. Uniquely, numerous practical examples are presented, including case studies taken from laboratory prototypes and commercial oscillators, which allow the oscillator internal design to be understood by analyzing its phase-noise spectrum. Based on tutorials given by the author at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, international IEEE meetings, and in industry, this is a useful reference for academic researchers, industry practitioners, and graduate students in RF engineering and communications engineering.