22 au 28 août 2020 : NCSLI/CPEM 2020 (Denver, CO, USA)

The NCSLI/CPEM 2020 Workshop & Symposium will be hosted in Denver, Colorado, at the Gaylord Rockies Resort & Convention Center. This year Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM) will be hosted concurrently with the NCSLI Annual Conference. The 2020 conference theme is « The SI Unleashed — Bridging Science & Metrology ».

==> informations

29 août – 5 Septembre 2020 : URSI GASS (Rome, Italie)

The XXXIII General Assembly and Scientific Symposium (GASS) of the International Union of Radio Science (Union Radio Scientifique Internationale-URSI) will be held at Sapienza University Campus (Rome, Italy). The GASS of URSI are held at intervals of three years to review current research trends, present new discoveries and make plans for the future research and special projects in all areas of radio science.

==> informations

15-16 janvier 2020 : journées LISA France

Les prochaines « Journées LISA FRANCE » se tiendront au CNES Paris Les Halles les 15 janvier et 16 janvier 2020.

Vous trouverez ci-après un lien pour vous inscrire si vous souhaitez y participer : http://nx98b4uz.evenium.net

La participation est gratuite mais l’inscription obligatoire (capacité d’accueil de la salle).

Ces journées ont pour objectif de présenter un panorama d’ensemble des activités LISA France, aussi bien en termes de développement que scientifiques. Elles constituent aussi un moment d’échange et sont ouvertes aux personnes non membres qui souhaitent en savoir davantage sur la mission et les contributions françaises.

Date limite des inscriptions : Lundi 6 janvier 2020.

29 Juin au 3 Juillet 2020 à Besançon : European Frequency and Time Seminar

EFTS est une école annuelle d’une semaine dans le domaine du temps-fréquences, incluant des séances de travaux pratiques. Elle aura lieu du 29 Juin au 3 juillet 2020 à l’Institut FEMTO-ST à Besançon.
Les inscriptions s’ouvriront le premier jour ouvré de février.
Contacter frequency-time-seminar@femto-st.fr pour effectuer une pré-inscription.

Plus d’informations ici.

Workshop: Time and Money 2020 – 28 janvier 2020 (NYSE)

DLT and Timing 
at the 
New York Stock Exchange
When it comes to financial transactions, time synchronization accuracy of all connected elements in a trading system is a critical, yet difficult, challenge.  Distributed ledger technology (DLT) is transforming trade and trade financing creating disruption in spaces typically occupied by traditional information repository methods and ledgers. The use of DLT brings timing considerations of its own.

Financial industry timing regulations are stringent, mandating that time synchronization be accurate to 100 microseconds.  With the goal of eliminating fraudulent security trades, regulations specifically call for:

  • Accuracy of financial reporting based on proper time
  • Documentation of when a transaction occurred or did not, which helps
    in digital forensics
  • Protection from change in consumer information and/or timing of modifying records

Inaccurate time in an organization’s network, as well as the impact of this error on financial applications, may result in legal action.

DLT networks and their underlying infrastructure are held to the same time synchronization accuracy requirements demanded of financial institutions. This makes precision timing a critical enabler creating a trusted environment for real-time DLT transactions. ATIS’ Time and Money 2020 sheds light on the critical role of timing and synchronization in enabling secure transactions within a DLT environment. Join us to learn about timing’s role in advancing the DLT revolution.

=> informations

Conférence: European GNU Radio Days 2020 (22 et 23 juin 2020, Poitiers, France)

GNU Radio is an increasingly popular framework for Software Defined
Radio components and Digital Signal Processing prototyping. As such our
goals are as follows:

* Bring together active French and European GNU Radio users, coming
  from a scientific, technical, amateur or hacker background 
* Foster interaction between GNU Radio users Share knowledge about GNU
  Radio development through tutorials, seminars and demos 
* Bridge the gap between technical/engineering and scientific/research 
  points of view on topics related to applied research with GNU Radio. 
  Such topics include: 
    Software Defined Radio, radio prototyping, 
    RF design, 
    RADAR design 
    Global Navgation Satellite Systems (GNSS) and space communications
    Signal processing in embedded systems,
    GNU Radio development environment,
    New platforms

GNU Radio users and developers are invited to present their experiments
and activities. The first day (22nd of June) will be devoted to oral
presentations, posters and demonstrations. The second day (23rd of
June) will be dedicated to tutorials and hands-on sessions.
