Appels d’offres
Date limite de soumission : 18 mars 2025 - AAP FIRST-TF 2025L’Appel à Projets FIRST-TF 2025 est à présent ouvert. La date limite pour le dépôt des demandes est fixée au 18 mars 2025.
Cet appel à projets vise à soutenir des équipes du réseau FIRST-TF sur des projets ambitieux et à renforcer les collaborations entre ses membres, sur des thématiques axées sur la métrologie Temps‑Fréquence, sur ses interfaces et sur ses applications.
Cette année est un peu particulière car la dotation de cette AAP provient d’une rallonge obtenue en Juillet 2024 d’un montant de 250 k€ environ. Devant le faible montant de cette dotation les projets proposés ne devront pas dépasser 75 k€. Cet AAP est ouvert à toutes les actions traditionnellement soutenues par FIRST-TF (recherche – formation – valorisation), sans fléchage thématique. Les actions nouvelles seront privilégiées, mais les prolongements de projets existants ne seront pas interdits.
Le texte de l’AAP ainsi que le formulaire de réponse sont téléchargeables ici :
Pour toute question ou demande d’information relative à cet appel à projets, adressez votre message à
Date limite de soumission : 18 mars 2024 - AAP FIRST-TF 2024Cet appel à projets vise à soutenir des équipes du réseau FIRST-TF, en apportant un complément de financement à des projets déjà financés précédemment par FIRST-TF. Les financements Labex existants arrivant à leur terme, les modalités de l’AAP 2024 sont très particulières.
Cette année, le soutien apporté par FIRST-TF pourra porter sur :
– du personnel, uniquement sous la forme de prolongation de contrat de CDD jeune chercheur/post-doc ou ingénieur de recherche en cours, déjà financé par FIRST-TF auparavant et actuellement employé via la tutelle CNRS. La somme maximale attribué par projet sera de 30k€, et une simulation de coût sera exigée pour la demande. La demande d’extension de contrat de travail ne pourra porter pour une date de fin au-delà du 30 juin 2025.
– de l’équipement ou du fonctionnement de Recherche/Service/Formation (matériel, composants, instrumentation, …) pour un projet existant déjà financé par FIRST-TF auparavant (réparation, extension, mise à niveau,…). Les nouvelles opérations de formation/diffusion du savoir sont néanmoins acceptées. La somme maximale attribuée par projet sera de 15k€ et un devis sera exigée pour la demande. La facturation devra avoir lieu au plus tard le 30 juin 2025.Pour toute question ou demande d’information relative à cet appel à projets, adressez votre message à
Date limite de soumission : 13 mars 2023 - AAP FIRST-TF 2023L’Appel à Projets FIRST-TF 2023 est à présent ouvert. La date limite pour le dépôt des demandes est fixée au 13 mars 2023.
Cet appel à projets (AAP) vise à soutenir des équipes du réseau FIRST-TF sur des projets ambitieux (projets de recherche, projets en partenariat avec les entreprises, projets de formation ou de diffusion des savoirs vers le public) et à renforcer les collaborations entre ses membres, sur des thématiques axées sur la métrologie Temps Fréquence, sur ses interfaces et sur ses applications.
Cette année, le soutien apporté par FIRST-TF pourra porter sur :- du personnel (financement de CDD jeune chercheur, de CDD ingénieur ou technicien, mission doctorale, pas de thèses financées cette année) ;
- de l’équipement de Recherche/Service/Formation (matériel, composants, instrumentation, …) y compris co-financement d’équipement mi-lourd ;
- du fonctionnement (missions, invitations de chercheurs, organisation de workshop ou de conférences, …).
Le texte de l’AAP ainsi que le formulaire de réponse sont téléchargeables ici :
=> Texte de l’appel à projets.
Pour toute question ou demande d’information relative à cet appel à projets, adressez votre message à
Date limite de soumission : 3 relèves par an - Appel à idées R&T du CNESLe programme de R&T systèmes orbitaux du CNES fait l’objet d’un appel à idées vers les industriels et les organismes de recherche institutionnels. Une fois acceptées, ces propositions sont intégrées dans le programme pluriannuel d’actions de R&T. Les critères d’éligibilité sont décrits dans la page « La R&T au CNES »
Date limite de soumission : 30 novembre 2022 pour la catégorie «Meilleures idées», 10 février 2023 pour la catégorie «Meilleurs prototypes» et 23 avril 2023 pour la catégorie «Meilleurs produits» - Lancement concours innovation EUSPA: #myEUSpace pour les entrepreneurs et startupsCela s’inscrit dans le cadre du programme CASSINI de l’UE.
La cible cette année :
– Plus d’espace dans ma vie (Space My Life): solutions pour les consommateurs telles que des applications mobiles, des dispositifs portables (montres intelligentes, lunettes intelligentes, traceurs de fitness, etc.), des drones ou la robotique, qui répondent à des défis de société majeurs dans des domaines prioritaires tels que la santé, la sûreté et la sécurité des citoyens, le jeu et le divertissement, le sport et la remise en forme, ainsi que le tourisme.
– Notre planète verte (Our Green Planet): solutions innovantes pour relever les défis environnementaux et de mode de vie durable afin de contribuer à la mise en œuvre du pacte vert pour l’Europe, ainsi que solutions favorisant la transformation écologique des entreprises. Les solutions proposées doivent répondre aux grands défis de société dans des domaines prioritaires tels que la conservation des écosystèmes, la mobilité verte, l’agriculture durable ainsi que la gestion de l’énergie et des ressources.
– Plongée dans la «Deep Tech» (Dive in Deep Tech): solutions innovantes associant spatiales de l’UE et technologies profondes telles que l’intelligence artificielle (IA), les technologies quantiques (informatique, détection, simulation et cryptage quantiques, etc.), la chaîne de blocs, le métavers et la réalité étendue [réalité augmentée (AR), réalité mixte (MR), réalité virtuelle (VR)]. Les solutions proposées doivent répondre aux grands défis de société dans des domaines prioritaires tels que les biotechnologies, les technologies médicales, les technologies financières, etc.
C’est l’opportunité pour vos chercheurs ou jeunes pousses de proposer un projet en lien avec ces services spatiaux européens.
Le niveau de soutien et le calendrier :
– Meilleures idées : idées théoriques prometteuses tirant parti des données spatiales de l’UE et présentant un fort potentiel commercial. Un prix en espèce de 10 000 EUR sera attribué pour chacune des 15 meilleures idées.
– Meilleurs prototypes : prototypes testés ou versions bêta prêts à être mis sur le marché. Un prix en espèce de 30 000 EUR sera attribué pour chacun des 10 meilleurs prototypes.
– Meilleurs produits : produits commerciaux existants pour lesquels on ambitionne un passage à l’échelle supérieure. Un prix en espèce de 100 000 EUR sera attribué pour chacun de 5 meilleurs produits.
Le concours s’appuie sur un processus de dépôt de candidature à délai «glissant», une équipe qui remporte un prix dans une catégorie a la possibilité de poser sa candidature (pour l’idée ou le prototype déjà primé) dans une autre catégorie afin de tenter de remporter un nouveau prix.
Les délais sont les suivants : le 30 novembre 2022 pour la catégorie «Meilleures idées», le 10 février 2023 pour la catégorie «Meilleurs prototypes» et le 23 avril 2023 pour la catégorie «Meilleurs produits».
Les informations sont sur le site web EUSPA : myEUspace competition et sa traduction en français ici : texte en français.
Date limite de soumission : 15 février 2022 - AAP FIRST-TF 2022L’Appel à Projets FIRST-TF 2022 est à présent ouvert. La date limite pour le dépôt des demandes est fixée au 15 février 2022.
Cet appel à projets (AAP) vise à soutenir des équipes du réseau FIRST-TF sur des projets ambitieux (projets de recherche, projets en partenariat avec les entreprises, projets de formation ou de diffusion des savoirs vers le public) et à renforcer les collaborations entre ses membres, sur des thématiques axées sur la métrologie Temps Fréquence, sur ses interfaces et sur ses applications.
Cette année, le soutien apporté par FIRST-TF pourra porter sur :- du personnel (financement de CDD jeune chercheur, de CDD ingénieur ou technicien, mission doctorale, pas de thèses financées cette année) ;
- de l’équipement de Recherche/Service/Formation (matériel, composants, instrumentation, …) y compris co-financement d’équipement mi-lourd ;
- du fonctionnement (missions, invitations de chercheurs, organisation de workshop ou de conférences, …).
Le texte de l’AAP ainsi que le formulaire de réponse sont téléchargeables ici :
=> Texte de l’appel à projets.
=> Formulaire de réponse. -
Date limite de soumission : 15 septembre 2021 - Appel à candidature pour le prix Edouard Branly 2021 - pour les jeunes physiciennes et physiciensLe prix Edouard Branly récompense une jeune chercheuse ou un jeune chercheur pour des travaux remarquables dans le domaine des ondes, de l’optique ou de l’électronique, avec éventuellement une perspective d’application sociétale. Vous trouverez ci-joint l’appel pour le prix 2021. Appel_PRIX_BRANLY_2021.pdf
Les propositions sont recevables pour les personnes nées partir du 1er janvier 1988.
Date limite de soumission : 26 février 2021 - AAP FIRST-TF 2021Les Appels à Projets FIRST-TF 2021 sont à présent ouverts. La date limite pour le dépôt des demandes est fixée au 26 février 2021.
Ces appels à projets (AAPs) visent à soutenir des équipes du réseau FIRST-TF sur des projets ambitieux (projets de recherche, projets en partenariat avec les entreprises, projets de formation ou de diffusion des savoirs vers le public) et à renforcer les collaborations entre ses membres, sur des thématiques axées sur la métrologie Temps Fréquence, sur ses interfaces et sur ses applications.
IMPORTANT : depuis l’année dernière, suite aux recommandations du jury international ayant évalué FIRST-TF, il y a deux AAPs distincts. En plus de l’AAP « uni-annuel » traditionnel, il est instauré, en parallèle, un AAP pluriannuel permettant de soumettre des projets portant sur plusieurs années et sur des financements plus importants (de 250 jusqu’à 350 k€ si le projet le justifie) que pour les demandes « uni-annuelles » habituelles. Les formulaires sont distincts pour ces deux AAPs.
Par ailleurs, compte tenu des contraintes administrative exposées à la dernière AG, nous rappelons que 2021 est la dernière année où le Labex FIRST-TF pourra attribuer des financements de thèse (1/2 ou entiers).
Les formulaires et textes des AAPs sont téléchargeables ici :
AAP-FIRST-TF-Uniannuel-2021 ; AAP-FIRST-TF-Uniannuel-2021_formulaireAAP-FIRST-TF-Pluriannuel-2021 ; AAP-FIRST-TF-Pluriannuel-2021_formulaire
Date limite de soumission : 05/02/2021 - Appel d'offres PhyFOG 2021L’Action fédératrice PhyFOG (Physique fondamentale et ondes gravitationnelles) lance son appel d’offres 2021. La date limite pour les réponses est rapprochée par rapport aux années précédentes en raison d’une contrainte du 5 février pour synchroniser les réponses des appels d’offres des différentes Action fédératrices.
Date limite de soumission des dossiers : 07/01/2021 à 13h00 CET - Tremplin – ERC (T-ERC) - 10ème édition - 2021Dans le cadre de son plan d’action 2021, l’ANR propose un programme spécialement dédié à améliorer le taux de réussite de la France aux appels de l’ERC intitulé « Tremplin-ERC » (T-ERC). Le programme T-ERC est ouvert à toutes les disciplines (LS, PE, SH, selon les catégories ERC).
Date limite de soumission : 22 janvier 2021 à 12h:00 - AAP défi Le Temps : mesures, perceptions, impacts et applications.Le CNRS, à travers la Mission pour les initiatives transverses et interdisciplinaires, lance un appel à projets dans le cadre du défi Le Temps: mesures, perceptions, impacts et applications.
’objectif de cet AAP est de soutenir des recherches interdisciplinaires et innovantes. -
Jusqu’au 31 décembre 2022 : Mesures gouvernementales pour la Préservation de l’emploi de R&DL’État prend en charge à hauteur de 80 % le salaire d’un jeune diplômé ou un jeune docteur embauché en CDD par un laboratoire public de recherche et encadré par un personnel de recherche.
Submission deadline: 26/06/2020 13:00 - ESA Open Invitation to tender 10161 "FEASIBILITY STUDY OF SPACE-BASED RELATIVISTIC PNT SYSTEM - EXPRO+"All GNSS in operation at present are based on Newtonian physics and rely on global reference frames fixed to Earth. Relativistic effects are treated as deviations that need to be corrected for. Precision and stability in time of the reference frames is provided via ground stations and they are limitedby the Earth’s dynamics and atmosphere. Several theoretical concepts have been proposed for the use of Relativistic Positioning Systems (RPS) and the required relativistic reference frames. These have been studied with different approaches during the last years and the consistency with the General Relativity has been demonstrated. However, none of the proposed approaches were intended to be practical. The proposed activity will address the maturity of RPS for timing and positioning applications, the definition of a consolidated concept and architecture for a RPS constellation suitable for navigation both in the Earth surface and the near-Earth Space,and the High Level Requirements for a proof-of-concept based on current and near-future available state of the art technology.
Submission deadline: 22/07/2020 13:00 - ESA Open Invitation to tender 10349 "GNSS SCIENCE WITH COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT - EXPRO+ (REISSUE)"Advanced GNSS-based processing techniques (e.g. exploiting simultaneously direct and reflected signals) applied to commercial aircraft can provide very useful scientific data with higher spatial and temporal resolution than current spaceborne instruments. The objectives of the activity are to: (a) evaluate benefits of the crowd sourcing strategy based on commercial aircraft in terms of coverage, revisiting time and enabled science applications; and (b) determine capabilities of the state of art of passive remote sensing techniques based on GNSS (multifrequency multiconstellation) and (c) define the instrument and the exploitation infrastructure. The result of the activity will provide: (a) the confirmation of technical feasibility of embarking GNSS based remote sensing instruments in commercial aircraft, in order to complement Earth Observation satellite services; (b) the definition of requirements of airborne GNSSR instruments for the identified scientific applications; (c) the requirements and accommodation constraints from aircraft manufacturers and carriers; and (d) the identification of significant use cases, the preliminary design of the related airborne GNSSR instruments and the definition of a representative end-to-end concept demonstration.
Submission deadline: 20/04/2020 13:00 - ESA Invitation To Tender 10232: "MINIMISATION OF CRYSTAL OSCILLATOR COSMIC RADIATION EFFECTS" - EXPRO+High performance Quartz crystal oscillators are typically needed for the signal spectral purity, but also for their short-term frequency stability. The drawback of using quartz crystal resonators is due to their sensitivity to cosmic radiations. This activity encompasses the following tasks:
– To understand the sweeping effect on material and demonstrate which specifications/properties have impact on quartz crystal radiation sensitivity.
– To identify technologies for crystal growing and/or resonator process for reducing the sensitivity to radiation, targeting both niche markets and larger volumes.
– Evaluation of the oscillator performances at different type and level of radiation by test on representative oscillator samples. -
Submission deadline: 17/04/2020 13:00 - ESA Open Invitation to tender 10158 "ESTRACK DEEP SPACE STATIONS FREQUENCY AND TIMING DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM 2ND GENERATION"ESA operates a network of ground stations called ESTRACK to support its mission operations. After a major restructuring ESTRACK consists today of 7 stations that host 9 terminals. The ESTRACK deep space stations provide high precision radiometric and timing information needed for spacecraft navigation and time correlation, in addition to routine communication. The Frequency and Timing (FT) distribution system is obsolete and therefore difficult to maintain, and the original development company, Timetech (DE), declared to leave this market segment. As the performance and operational requirements for the deep space stations are not met by any commercial-off-the-shelf equipment a TRP funded study (T712-402GS) was conducted which confirmed the feasibility for a new development based on state of the art distribution techniques…
Date limite de soumission : 10/04/2020 - AAP FIRST-TF 2020Cet appel à projets vise à soutenir des équipes du réseau FIRST-TF sur des projets ambitieux (projets de recherche, projets en partenariat avec les entreprises, projets de formation ou de diffusion des savoirs vers le public) et à renforcer les collaborations entre ses membres, sur des thématiques axées sur la métrologie Temps Fréquence, sur ses interfaces et sur ses applications.
IMPORTANT: cette année, suite aux recommandations du jury international ayant évalué FIRST-TF, il y a deux AAP distinct. En plus de l’AAP « uni-annuel » traditionnel, il est instauré, en parallèle, un AAP pluri-annuel permettant de soumettre des projets portant sur plusieurs années et sur des financements plus important que pour les demandes « uni-annuelles » habituelles. Les formulaires sont distincts pour ces deux AAPs.
Les formulaires et textes des AAP sont téléchargeables ici:
AAP « projets uniannuels » 2020 ; formulaire « projet uni-annuel » 2020
AAP « projets pluri-annuels » 2020 ; formulaire « projet pluri-annuel » 2020
Submission deadline:22/03/2020 13:00extended to 03/04/2020 13:00 - ESA Invitation To Tender 10151: "NAVISP-EL1-035: MACHINE-LEARNING TO MODEL GNSS SYSTEMS" - EXPRO+This activity shall aim at overcoming some of the limitations of current macro model based engineering tools by training a machine learning (ML) algorithm to predict GNSS system performances. In general, the GNSS navigation chain is composed of a network of GNSS sensors aiming at collecting some data from a space segment (core-constellation of satellites), and a Kernel implementing the navigation algorithms processing this data to produce a navigation message. This Kernel represents the brain of the navigation chain and the objective of the activity is to develop an ML algorithm predicting its behaviour. To carry out its task, the ML algorithm will have to read the values of some metrics reflecting the quality of the data produced by the GNSS sensors. Trained on years of real data, the created tool shall be an intermediary product between the two existing simulation options. With the user-friendly operability and low computational cost of current macro model tools, it shall offer more accurate results on a wider range of different scenarios than a macro model which only accurately represents scenarios close to the tuned scenario. Aside from absolute system performance,another important aspect in design decisions is the system’s sensitivity to single factors like GNSS sensors positions. An advantageof using ML are the data analysis capabilities that come with it. Within the scope of this study, these techniques shall be used tostudy the sensitivity of the algorithm output, the navigation message, to single input parameters. As ML has so far not been used to simulate GNSS system performances, this study aims as well at breaking the ground by demonstrating the feasibility of the technology, enabling many more possible applications within the PNT sector and beyond.
Date limite de soumission : 14/02/2020 - Appel d'offre PUMA CNRS "Réf. 1901141 : Etude d'impact GNSS (Géolocalisation et Navigation par un Système de Satellites)"Étude d’impact sur la société civile de l’altération de la synchronisation temporelle et de la géolocalisation par les systèmes GNSS (Géolocalisation et Navigation par un Système de Satellites). Voir la fiche de consultation et le cahier des charges techniques joints aux documents de la consultation. Les candidats sont invités à remettre un seule réponse électronique contenant à la fois l’offre et les documents de la candidature.
Submission deadline: 13/01/2020 13:00 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "NAVISP-EL1-031: PRECISE TIMING FOR INDOOR SMALL CELLS - EXPRO+"Future applications and services are expected to increasingly rely on precise timing for their nominal operation. This includes operational scenarios in which GNSS signals are typically heavily degraded, like it is the case in urban and indoor conditions. A particular case of interest is indoor timing in small cells for future 5G, which have tight time synchronizations requirements (in the order of few tens of ns). In this context, research on direct timing and multi-antenna solutions has been started already, showing that achieving timing accuracies in the order of few tens of ns may be achievable, but requiring more complex signal processing techniques to be applied. This type of solutions, or similar ones relying on the previous concepts, are still to be assessed based on live GNSS signals in representative indoor scenarios. The objectives of the activity are: a) to exploit direct timing and spatial diversity (i.e., MIMO-GNSS processing) for achieving accurate timing solutions in indoor locations typical of small cells when considering low-cost receiver antennas; b) to design and implement, in a SW receiver, advanced direct timing and multi-antenna solutions; c) to design and implement a concept demonstrator relying on COTS and including the SW receiver mentioned above for the offline processingof the GNSS signals; d) to assess the timing accuracy achieved by the implemented solutions based on live GNSS signal received in representative conditions of indoor small cells; and e) to iteratively improve and refine the implemented solutions based on the indoor tests.
Submission deadline: 10/12/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "MACHINE-LEARNING TO MODEL GNSS SYSTEMS - EXPRO+"This activity shall aim at overcoming some of the limitations of current macro model based engineering tools by training a machine learning (ML) algorithm to predict EGNOS performance. Since the performances are driven by the EGNOS Central Processing Facility (CPF), the ML algorithm shall be limited to emulate the outputs of this subsystem. The algorithm will read observation data and navigation broadcast files recorded by the Ranging and Integrity Monitoring Station (RIMS) along with the system and simulation configuration and generate the EGNOS Navigational Overlay Frame (NOF) message. Trained on real EGNOS data of years of operation, the created tool shall be an intermediary product between the two existing simulation options. With the user-friendly operability and low computational cost of current macro model tools, it shall offer more accurate results on a wider range of different scenarios than a macro model which only accurately represents scenarios close to the tuned scenario. Aside from absolute system performance, another important aspect in design decisions is the systems sensitivity to single factors like RIMS positions. An advantage of using ML are the data analysis capabilities that come with it. Within the scope of this study, these techniques shall be used to study the sensitivity of the algorithm output, the NOF, to single input parameters. As ML has so far not been used to simulate EGNOS performance, this study aims as well at breaking the ground by demonstrating the feasibility of the technology, enabling many more possible applications within the PNT sector and beyond.
Submission deadline: 22/11/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "RESILIENT, TRUSTWORTHY, UBIQUITOUS TIME TRANSFER REISSUE - EXPRO+"This REISSUED EXPRO+ procurement is part of the NAVISP Programme, under Elelment 1, Work Plan 2018.Secure and reliable time transfer is a key enabler for the next generation of wireless communications, positioning and navigation services worldwide. A number of different applications such as 5G mobile broadband, power grids, terrestrial positioning services and financial operations will require accurate, secure and reliable time information to be able to work consistently and efficiently. The time information will need to be transferred not only securely, but also in a seamless and ubiquitous manner. The most accurate and ubiquitous time transfer is currently realised through GNSS, and allows absolute time dissemination, however, with GNSS suffers from a number of limitations such as those related to intentional and non-intentional interference and possible signal blockage in difficult environments. Terrestrial methods such as Precise Time Protocol (PTP) are not absolute and less accurate but not affected by limitations of GNSS. Hence, the objective of the proposed activity is to develop innovative effective methods of time dissemination, time transfer and synchronisation, combining strengths of GNSS and terrestrial technologies. In order to enable an overall seamless provision of secure, ubiquitous and reliable time information, solutions to complement the current GNSS time transfer techniques with the emerging fixed and mobile services (e.g. 5G enhanced mobile broadband including new frequency bands, device-to-device and vehicle-to-vehicle/any, autonomous vehicles, terrestrial positioning methods, …) will be assessed.
Submission deadline: 18/11/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "ADVANCED MULTI-FREQUENCY LOW-COST HIGH-GAIN GNSS ANTENNA FOR NEXT GENERATION OF MASS-MARKET DEVICES - EXPRO+"The objective of the activity is the study of advanced techniques for miniaturization and radiation enhancement of GNSS mass-marketantennas (MM) to be applied in the design, manufacturing and testing of single and multi-frequency, low-cost, dual circularly polarized antenna with higher gain than current mass-market solutions available in the market. The antennas shall be tested stand-aloneand integrated into a mock-up representative of MM devices. The final goal is the improvement of the positioning accuracy and availability obtained with MM antennas, which will pave the way to new PNT services in harsh environments where previously it would nothave been possible.
Submission deadline: 11/11/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "GNSS SCIENCE WITH COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT RE-ISSUE - EXPRO+"Advanced GNSS-based processing techniques (e.g. exploiting simultaneously direct and reflected signals) applied to commercial aircraft can provide very useful scientific data with higher spatial and temporal resolution than current spaceborne instruments. The objectives of the activity are to: (a) evaluate benefits of the crowdsourcing strategy based on commercial aircraft in terms of coverage, revisiting time and enabled science applications; and (b) determine capabilities of the state of art of passive remote sensing techniques based on GNSS (multifrequency multiconstellation) and (c) define the instrument and the exploitation infrastructure. The result of the activity will provide: (a) the confirmation of technical feasibility of embarking GNSSbased remote sensing instruments in commercial aircraft, in order to complement Earth Observation satellite services; (b) the definition of requirements of airborne GNSSR instruments for the identified scientific applications; (c) the requirements and accommodation constraints from aircraft manufacturers and carriers; and (d) the identification of significant use cases, the preliminary design of the related airborne GNSSRinstruments and the definition of a representative endtoend concept demonstration.
Submission deadline: 04/11/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "ERBIUM-DOPED RADIATION-HARD FREQUENCY COMB - EXPRO+"The primary objective of the proposed activity is to evaluate the performance of a fiber laser based Optical Frequency Comb (OFC) system, under well-defined ionizing radiation conditions. The target OFC performance shall assume the performance requirements of a defined future application of ESA. This OFC performance (specification) be established at the start of the project and will be the reference value for the final system. The final OFC performance, following well-defined radiation exposure parameters, shall meet the same performance of the un-radiated system. In order to meet the OFC performance after radiation, a specially developed radiation-hard doped fiber shall be developed as an integral element of the project.
Submission deadline: 23/09/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "ADVANCED CONCEPT FOR CHIP-SCALE ATOMIC CLOCKS"The objective of this activity is to survey the state-of-the-art and define a proof-of-concept for advanced chip-scale atomic clocks. While vapour-cell based chip scale atomic clocks are moving towards implementation into operational systems, new advanced concepts are being proposed, with potentially multiple benefits in terms of performance and integration. In particular, the recent advances in micro-machining, packaging, power handling, hybrid integration technologies… shall be analysed and assessed. This shall lead to the definition and demonstration (at prototype level) of a new clock architecture concept and associated technology building blocks targeting improved frequency stability.
Date limite : 16/09/2019 - Élaboration d'un business plan pour la plateforme d'excellence Oscillator ImpOscillator IMP est une plateforme dédiée à la caractérisation de la stabilité de fréquence à court terme (de 1 ms ou moins à 1 jour). Cet outil utilise les meilleures références de fréquence actuelles couvrant un très large spectre de fréquences (de la radio fréquence à l’optique) et des instruments métrologiques de comparaison à l’état de l’art. Elle permet d’améliorer significativement la résolution des mesures tant pour les activités de service accréditées (calibrage) que pour les besoins en recherche et développement. Elle a vocation à être accessible aux agences, aux instituts de recherche et aux entreprises privées.
À l’issue de sa phase de construction, la plateforme Oscillator IMP a été inaugurée en 2018 et est en capacité d’offrir un ensemble de services. Néanmoins, le besoin a été identifié d’établir une stratégie opérationnelle et chiffrée pour concrétiser l’intérêt des utilisateurs, académiques et industriels, en France et à l’international. Oscillator IMP lance ainsi un appel d’offres pour la réalisation d’un business plan. Ce document de référence constituera à la fois un outil de pilotage et de communication. Il est attendu que le business plan présente une stratégie à cinq ans, aussi exhaustive que possible, et précise les étapes et ressources à mobiliser pour créer et saisir les opportunités d’utilisation (commerciale, technologique, scientifique) de cette infrastructure de pointe.
Le business plan fourni devra inclure a minima les livrables suivants :
1. Le recensement précis des services et performances proposés.
2. Une solide étude de marché, incluant une liste nominative de clients (et de collaborateurs) potentiels.
3. Des propositions d’aménagements réalistes à prévoir sur la plateforme, en termes scientifiques, technologiques, organisationnels et de ressources humaines, à court et moyen terme, pour atteindre le ou les marchés visés.
4. La présentation d’une stratégie commerciale claire et cohérente avec le ou les marchés visés et des prévisions financières réalistes.=> En savoir plus : site des marchés publics de prestations de services, cahier des clauses techniques particulières, cahier des charges administratives particulières, règlement de consultation.
Submission deadline: 09/09/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "HIGH FREQUENCY MILLIMETRE-WAVE VOLTAGE CONTROLLED OSCILLATOR"Local oscillators (LO) used in microwave and millimetre-wave radiometer receivers for Earth Observation (EO) are normally based on Dielectric Resonator Oscillators (DRO) that are limited to a typical frequency of about 30 GHz. The LO frequency in the millimetre-wave range (165.4 to 229 GHz) is then obtained by means of additional multiplier circuits and band-pass filters, thus increasing the complexity of the circuit, mass and power consumption, and reducing reliability. Additionally, multiplication increases phase noise on the output, which affects coherent systems such as synthetic aperture interferometric radiometers. For the reference signal to begenerated at a higher frequency a high Q-factor resonator is needed, operating at several GHz. Preliminary assessment of oscillatorsusing ultra-high Q-factor silicon resonators, demonstrate power consumption reduction of about 40%, and volume mass reduction of around 50%. This would allow better integration of the receivers behind the antenna radiating elements.This activity encompasses thefollowing tasks:- Review promising high frequency resonator technologies- design, manufacture and tested resonators- Produce highperformance oscillator based on such resonators, without frequency stabilization by an external low-frequency crystal reference, operating directly at millimetre-wave GHz range.-Assess feasibility of the achieved performance for high frequency LO signal generationProcurement Policy: C(2) = A relevant participation (in terms of quality and quantity) of non-primes (incl. SMEs) is required. For additional information please go to EMITS news « Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and RD entities in ESA programmes ».
Submission deadline: 30/08/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "PNT TIMING & SYNCHRONISATION FOR AVIATION SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS"GNSS is extensively used in aviation, notably for: – positioning and timing for on board navigation purposes; – timing and synchronisation for datalink communications (board to ground and viceversa); – timing and synchronisation on ground for Surveillance,Air Traffic Control (ATC) and communication networks. GNSS time outages or unexpected anomalies may affect aviation systems and networks. Other and independent timing sources may be available to back-up/complement the GNSS timing and synchronisation service, e.g. clocks, Low Frequency systems, Network Time Protocols (NTPs). Their usage may depend on various factors, mainly coverage area and phase of flight for the on board case, ground equipment for surveillance and communications. The objectives of the proposed activity are to: – assess the criticality of the use of GNSS time in aviation; – define and perform demonstration of innovative PNTconceptscomplementary to GNSS, in order to provide robust and secure timing and synchronisation services for aviation systems and networks; Relevant recommendations for aviation (CNS/ATM) will be provided as outcome of the study.
Submission deadline: 19/07/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "GNSS SCIENCE WITH COMMERCIAL AIRCRAFT"Advanced GNSS-based processing techniques (e.g. exploiting simultaneously direct and reflected signals) applied to commercial aircraft can provide very useful scientific data with higher spatial and temporal resolution than current spaceborne instruments. The objectives of the activity are to: (a) evaluate benefits of the crowdsourcing strategy based on commercial aircraft in terms of coverage, revisiting time and enabled science applications; and (b) determine capabilities of the state of art of passive remote sensing techniques based on GNSS (multifrequency multiconstellation) and (c) define the instrument and the exploitation infrastructure. The result of the activity will provide: (a) the confirmation of technical feasibility of embarking GNSSbased remote sensing instruments in commercial aircraft, in order to complement Earth Observation satellite services; (b) the definition of requirements of airborne GNSSR instruments for the identified scientific applications; (c) the requirements and accommodation constraints from aircraft manufacturers and carriers; and (d) the identification of significant use cases, the preliminary design of the related airborne GNSSRinstruments and the definition of a representative endtoend concept demonstration.
Submission deadline: 12/06/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "ENHANCED GNSS SIGNALS IN SPACE AND USER RECEIVER PROCESSING"The recent outcomes of the first test campaign on Galileo mass-market receivers have shown preliminary but important trends in relation to the achievable performance by the commercial devices using Galileo signals, including the limitations of the current Galileo signal design and the opportunities for improvement targeting specifically this users in the future generation of Galileo.The proposed activity shall study the enhancement of the current GNSS signal design in order to: a) improve current acquisition and TTFF performance of mass-market receivers (e.g. new signal components enabling fast acquisition scheme or High Sensitivity Techniques). b) optimise new signal in space modulations and related user receiver processing: exploitation of new Modulation schemes, Spread-Spectrumtechniques, mapping and multiplexing (e.g. multicarrier, CSK, ultra-wideband, meta-signals, SC FDMA, etc.). The outcomes of the current Galileo second generation studies have shown as well some limitations and opportunities for improvement on the definition of new Galileo signals, coming just from the need of supporting Legacy users. Based on that, the activity shall study techniques for flexiblesignal generation and reception: a flexible signal component that can evolve to sustain evolutions of services, including the design of a flexible receiver able to adapt to the corresponding advanced signal formats/techniques that will come from evolutions of the GNSS systems. Furthermore, the activity shall consider the design of solutions for an efficient protocol tonotify in advance to theuser receiver the planned modifications of the signal and for the receiver to implement them.The studies performed under the activity on the GNSS signal design will provide inputs to the definition of the future signal as part of the Galileo second generation consolidation activity.Finally, the activity shall develop a complete set of SW tools for performance analysis of consumer receivers performance in terms of acquisition and tracking sensitivity, (Abstract truncated. Please access it online.)
Submission deadline: 10/06/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "FIBERED FREQUENCY DOUBLER AT 1560NM - EXPRO+"With the development of the periodically poled nonlinear crystals and the 1.5 μm telecom-band erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA), laser frequency doubling becomes an alternative way to realize 780nm single-frequency continuous-wave laser with high output power and good beam quality. Comparing with the semiconductor tapered amplifier boosted 780nm diode laser, the frequency doubling of an EDFA-boosted 1560nm laser has lower spontaneous emission noise, much better beam quality, higher output power, and reasonable narrow linewidth. Moreover, in contrast to a Ti:Sapphire laser, the frequency doubling system is cheaper, compact and mechanically stable.
High power single-frequency 780nm lasers can be employed for laser cooling and trapping, atomic state coherent control, atomic interferometers, and in the development of an atomic frequency standard with rubidium atoms. In addition, the 780nm radiation can be used to
prepare the squeezed and entangled fields at 1.5 μm by an optical parametric down-conversion, which has important application in continuous-variable quantum communication, gravitational wave detection and so on.
In respect of second-harmonic generation (SHG) of 1560nm laser, if the fundamental laser has medium or high power, efficient frequency doubling can be accomplished by single passing periodically poled nonlinear crystals. If the fundamental laser has low power, using a waveguide can also lead to considerable conversion efficiency enhancements. But if requiring 780nm output at watt or higher level, the cavity-enhanced frequency-doubling scheme can also be employed.The objective of this activity is to investigate the reliability and performance of various existing methods used for frequency doubling, resulting in the selection of one crystal material and structure, to be used as periodically polled medium for the frequency doubling action. Subsequently, a fibered frequency doubler at 1560nm, resulting in a 780nm output signal in CW, with sufficient conversion efficiency is to be developed. The module shall be assembled and hermetically packaged with both input and output in the form of fibre pigtails for easy integration in a future system level. The assembled device, with satisfactory performance characteristics, shall then be subjected to environmental testing to bring the current TRL level to 4. It is also the objective to compare both balk and waveguide polled material, but focus in the main activity shall be on a waveguide version. Furthermore, it is required to determine the appropriate environment of operation to insure better conversion efficiency, reliability and stability of performance. For the technical specification, refer to Annex B.
Specifically the objectives of this activity are to:
– Literature and market survey, investigating existing frequency doublers at 1560nm, including design, manufacturing processes, reliability, thermal requirements, optical power range, coupling optics, conversion efficiency, etc.
– Selection of polled waveguide material, based on conversion efficiency, stability and reliability.
– Design and modelling of the frequency doubler, including coupling optics and fibre pigtails.
– Manufacturing and test plans preparation.
– Manufacturing of the hybrid frequency doubler, in sufficient quantity for the purpose of further performance and reliability testing.
– Test campaign.
– Conclusion and recommendation. -
Submission deadline: 03/06/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "ESA REAL TIME IONOSPHERIC CONTINENTAL CASTER FOR HIGH PRECISION APPLICATIONS - EXPRO+"GNSS users seek better position estimates; this means high precision and shorter times to achieve low error positions. In addition,the number of GNSS receivers, both single or multi-frequency and/or multi-constellation are growing and an increasing number of applications and services rely on these estimates. In this framework, the development of the Fast Precise Point Position and similar algorithms seem to cover the need for faster (low convergence time) and more precise position estimates in Real-Time (RT). The key feature of this technology is the distribution of precise information to the user. Among this information are the ionospheric corrections, which need to be precise and well bounded, to be able to add information on the positioning calculation. However, at the presentthere is not a clear model and message to be sent to the userESA real time Inospheric Continental Caster (e-RTICC) enables high accuracy navigation especially in regions where there are high ionospheric gradients, for single and multi-frequency -mostly Dual-Frequency- users. It could lead to reduction of ground segment cost. This activity focuses on the implementation of a 3D High Precision Ionospheric correction RT caster tool; that allows assessing different RT computation strategies for various geographic locations, network sizes and different ionospheric messages to achieve high accuracy ionospheric estimates.This activity encompasses the following tasks:- Study of RT high precision 3D ionosphere models. Including trade-off of temporal sampling and geographical information regarding the message structure vs. Precision, computation load, need for interpolation. Selection of the most suitable candidate tobeimplemented in RT.- Selection and development of suitable algorithms to perform RT Ambiguity fixing for ionospheric computationwith at least GPS and Galileo.- Selection and development of RT ionospheric messages for High
(Abstract truncated. Please access it online.) -
Submission deadline: 27/05/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "PRECISE POSITIONING FOR MASS-MARKET: OPTIMAL DATA DISSEMINATION DEMONSTRATOR - EXPRO+"Until recently, RTK and PPP technology was reserved for users who could spend tens of thousands of dollars on a GNSS receiver, a subscription to a service provider and a mobile data plan from a carrier. This represents a problem for mass market users since the price of the end-to-end service doesn’t make the solution appealing to automotive and UAV markets tens of thousands of dollars can be as costly as a new vehicle, for instance. A potential way forward could consist in a concept that leverages on the latest breakthroughs in GNSS technology and future terrestrial wireless networks to broadcast in real-time multi-GNSS augmentation services at a low cost. The NTRIP protocol, which is the existing approach for data dissemination adopted in the GNSS community, has limited scalability and thus, poses some limitations to the mass market applications. Under this scenario, terrestrial broadcast via cellular signals could fit the operational concept much better because it would allow the service provider to transfer data based on a Send-to-All-like dissemination. The idea is to allocate a portion of the wireless network resources to host specific content, enabling a MNOto send a single GNSS data stream to all mobile users in a particular area rather than having to send an individual stream to each user. The potential opportunity for GNSS community is huge but because the concept is fairly new, there is no implementation of such a terrestrial broadcast service, pilot or commercial. This gap could be covered through this activity by developing the first testbed capable to provide multi-GNSS assistance information by making use of cellular signals in 4G networks.
Submission deadline: 30/04/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "HIGH PERFORMANCE MEMS REFERENCE OSCILLATOR (PTRP)"Today, reference oscillators are based on a quartz resonator which is carefully sheltered in order to provide a very stable environment to this key component which in turn provides a very stable and low phase noise reference. This type of oscillator also called Oven Controlled Oscillator (OCXO) is the core technology in most space products requiring either stable frequency or low phase noise or both.Though far more recent on the market, MEMS oscillators are already as good as TCXO while being much smaller (hybrid assembly as compared to single chip solution). The purpose of this activity is to assess whether this type of MEMS oscillator, with the resonator being protected in a similar way than for the quartz in the OCXO, could deliver performances close to OCXO but with a smallerfootprint and lower consumption.The study logic is as follows:- Assessment of commercial MEMS oscillators in protective environment,- Design, fabrication and test of MEMS resonators,- Design, fabrication and test of a high performance MEMS reference oscillatorProcurement Policy: C(1) = Activity restricted to non-prime contractors (incl. SMEs). For additional information please go to EMITS news « Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and RD entities in ESA programmes ».
Submission deadline: 30/04/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "GNSS EVOLUTIONS EXPERIMENTAL PAYLOADS AND SCIENCE ACTIVITIES CALL FOR IDEAS"The objective of the Call for Ideas is to implement a number of activities in order to develop ideas for basic scientific research relevant to Galileo/EGNOS and its evolutions, as well as candidate experimental payloads, open to any scientific area related to fundamental scientific research that may benefit the future generations of European GNSS systems. The call includes three possible categories of activities:.Experimental Payload Prototyping.Future on-board atomic clocks assessment and development plan.Scientific differentiators of Galileo – studies.
Submission deadline: 25/04/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "EXPRO+ NAVISP ELEMENT 1 (NAVISP-EL1-011): RESILIENT, TRUSTWORTHY, UBIQUITOUS TIME TRANSFER REISSUE"This REISSUED EXPRO+ procurement is part of the NAVISP Programme, under Element 1, Work Plan 2018.
An accurate, secure and reliable time transfer is a key enabler for emerging fixed and mobile services worldwide. A number of different applications like autonomous vehicles, terrestrial positioning, 5G mobile broadband, mobile multimedia broadcast, power grids, terrestrial positioning services, financial operations, IoT, big data and cloud processing will require secure and reliable time information to be able to work correctly and efficiently. The time information will not only need to be transferred securely, but also accurately and in a seamless and ubiquitous manner, which is quite challenging for solutions based on GNSS only.Based on the above it seems necessary to put forward innovative and complementary methods of time transfer, focusing on the use of non-GNSS technologies. In order to enable an overall seamless provision of secure, ubiquitous and reliable time information, alternative solutions will be conceived to complement thecurrent GNSS time transfer techniques with the emerging fixed and mobile services.
The main objective is to demonstrate feasibility of time transfer using GNSS complementary technologies (e.g. signals of opportunity from LEO constellations or terrestrial infrastructure) that would provide secure, ubiquitous, and reliable time information.
The activity shall focus on efficient and affordable implementations of time transfer techniques leveraging existing and emerging space-based and terrestrial technologies. -
Submission deadline: 08/04/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "AUTHENTICATION OF GNSS SIGNALS BY RADIO SIGNAL FINGERPRINTING - EXPRO PLUS (RE-ISSUE)"The authentication of GNSS signals poses a challenging problem. Before exploiting a signal (e.g. its pseudo-noise sequence) it would be desirable for the receiver to have assurance quickly (ideally in less than 10-s) and reliably that the signal is actually coming from a navigation satellite and not from a spoofer (e.g. unknown pseudolite, delayed version of the same signal). Classical data-level authentication solutions work after signal demodulation (PN sequence de-spreading), require data-level cryptography (shared secrets) and key management. Furthermore, they cannot combat against delayed versions of the original signal, which is a problem for navigation receivers. Physical-layer authentication techniques like radio signal fingerprinting rely instead on what signals are (no shared secrets). Minimal differences in the physical structure of RF signal transmitters such as in the oscillator, amplifier and delay circuits produce differences in the amplitude, phase and frequency. Such differences can be exploited by adapted receivers to identify and classify the signal source. These techniques could offer an alternative to such data-level techniques with less system impact. These techniques allow to compare a received signal ‘signature’ against a local database of signatures with certain algorithms and decision criteria/metrics (e.g. fingerprint matcher using Mahalanobis distance). They do not need to process data-level information. They rely on the normal presence of pilots or equivalent repeated symbol patterns in all data frames of wireless systems producing repetitive radio signals. They are a subject of very intense research for what concerns certain security threats (e.g. impersonation, spoofing, intrusion detection) considering context (e.g. SNR conditions, classification objective, parametric and non-parametric statistical features) and implementation complexity for all sort of wireless technologies and standards from RFID tags to ZigBee,Z-wave, Wireless LAN, LTE. GNSS signals by de(Abstract truncated. Please access it online.)
Date limite de soumission: 05/03/2019 - Appels Espace 2019 : actions EGNSSLes appels à proposition 2019 Espace du programme Horizon 2020 relatifs aux actions EGNSS sont ouverts depuis le 16 octobre 2018 avec un budget disponible de 20 millions d’euros. La date de clôture des appels est fixée au 5 mars 2019.
Le détail des appels EGNSS est le suivant :- LC-SPACE-EGNSS-1-2019-2020 : Applications EGNSS favorisant une mobilité sûre, intelligente et respectueuse de l’environnement.
- DT-SPACE-EGNSS-2-2019-2020 : Applications EGNSS favorisant la numérisation.
- SU-SPACE-EGNSS-3-2019-2020 : Applications EGNSS favorisant la résilience sociétale et le respect de l’environnement.
- SPACE-EGNSS-4-2019 : Actions de coordination visant le développement d’un réseau d’utilisateurs gouvernementaux de télécommunications par satellite sécurisées.
Date limite de soumission : 14/02/2019 - Appel à Projets 2019 de FIRST-TFCet appel à projets vise à soutenir des équipes du réseau FIRST-TF sur des projets ambitieux (projets de recherche, projets en partenariat avec les entreprises, projets de formation ou de diffusion des savoirs vers le public) et à renforcer les collaborations entre ses membres, sur des thématiques axées sur la métrologie Temps Fréquence, sur ses interfaces et sur ses applications.
Cette année, le soutien apporté par FIRST-TF pourra porter uniquement sur du personnel (financement de CDD jeune chercheur, de CDD ingénieur ou technicien, mission doctorale).
Le projet proposé peut être à l’initiative de tout membre de FIRST-TF : laboratoire fondateur ou membre du 2nd cercle.
=> le texte de l’appel à projets
=> le formulaire de réponsePour toute question ou demande d’information relative à cet appel à projets, adressez votre message à ao(at)
Submission deadline: 28/01/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "GALILEO PAYLOAD TEST BE"This activity concerns the development of a Galileo Payload Test Bed in order to provide an early Proof-of-Concept of a Payload architecture that may be used to fulfil the Galileo Transition Satellites Requirements. The activity covers the domains of Advanced Navigation Signal-in-Space Generation together with the aspects of Advanced RF High Power Amplification and Antenna concepts, in order to support the Industrial evolution development activities for the next generation of Navigation Satellites in Europe. The main objective of this activity aims at investigating in the early phase the critical Payload Architecture related aspects. This shall include an assessment on risk of its constituting elements, in terms of Flight maturity and Technology Readiness Level. The Proof-of-Concept shall be based on a Payload Test Bed hardware, complemented with a mandatory extensive set of Tests, including testing at radiated level, Verification and Validation activities. The activity will be subject to Open Competition for all economic operators in accordance to EU procurement rules provided that the economic operator complies to the security aspects, PRS authorisation and participating conditions as per ITT documentation to be published.
Submission deadline: 15/01/2019 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "GNSS/NON-GNSS SENSOR FUSION FOR RESILIENCE IN HIGH-INTEGRITY AVIATION APPLICATIONS RE-ISSUE"This EXPRO+ procurement is part of the NAVISP Programme, under Elelment 1, Work Plan 2018.The objective of this study is to investigate the benefits of sensors fusion of on-board aircraft sensors with GNSS, in order to overcome the current safety limitations ofGNSS (the protection levels and Time To Alert for example), to improve the system resilience to external perturbing factors, and toevaluate the impact this fusion would have on the user positioning algorithm.Sensors fusion is a promising path to overcome the performance limitations and improve the resilience of individual systems. The combination of GNSS with various types of additional measurements like ranging data (RA, LIDAR) or non ranging data (IMU, ADS, optical sensors) could lead to better, more robust position solutions and improve the situational awareness of the flight crew. The outcome of that study could help to define future GNSS mission requirements.
Submission deadline: 19/12/2018 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "TECHNIQUES FOR SPOOFING DETECTION AND MITIGATION IN AERONAUTICAL RECEIVERS"Open GNSS signal authentication is one of the main future challenges that the GNSS community will have to face in order to support safety critical applications. One of the major evolutions proposed for the Satellite Based Augmentation Systems (SBAS) systems is toprovide authentication services to their users. This evolution is still under debate in international fora, therefore this activityproposes to investigate the issue starting from the consolidation of the spoofing scenarios and the potential anti-spoofing techniques that can be integrated in an airborne navigation system. The activity consists of the following tasks-Consolidate the spoofing threat applicable scenarios for aeronautical users-Define the figures of merits to base the analysis of the spoofing impact-Develop innovative receiver algorithms for GNSS stand-alone and GNSS hybridized with other sensors-Consolidate the performance of the proposed techniques through analysis and simulation-Develop the necessary tools to support the objectives of this activityThe activity will provide input to the consolidation of the roadmap for GALILEO and EGNOS evolutions.Procurement Policy: C(2) = A relevant participation (in terms of quality and quantity) of non-primes (incl. SMEs) is required. For additional information please go to EMITS news « Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and RD entities in ESA programmes ».
Submission deadline: 30/11/2018 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "OPTICAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR NEXT GENERATION OPTICAL INTER-SATELLITE LINKS"The objectives of this study are:
1) To investigate end-to-end communications system architectures for next generation optical inter-satellite links (optical ISLs) and to establish the system requirements.
2) To perform a preliminary design of the optical terminals for next generation optical ISLs achieving a user data rate of 10 20 Gbit/s.
3) To identify the critical subunits of the optical terminals for next generation optical ISLs, define the associated performance requirements, identify technology gaps and establish a technology development roadmap to support next generation inter-satellite links.
Targeted Improvements: System and sub-system performance requirements for the next generation of optical inter-satellite links and a development roadmap for the critical enabling technologies.Description:Optical inter-satellite links have recently been demonstrated in orbit, offering a user data rate of 1.8Gbit/s. This data rate is compatible with current user needs (e.g., TanDEM-X requiring ~1 Tbit/day; Sentinel-1 requiring ~10 Tbit/day). However, to support data retrieval and repatriation for future earth observation satellites with increased instrument performance (e.g., spatial resolution, temporal sampling, multispectral/hyperspectral remote sensing, wide field of view), it is forecasted that the user data rate needs to be boosted by at least one order of magnitude (i.e. 10 20 Gbit/s).The number of users to be served(earth observation satellites, unmanned aerial vehicles) is also expected to increase, which will require, in additional to an increase of the user data rate of the optical return service, a reduction of the time required to establish communications (e.g. minimisere-pointing time and link acquisition time) in order to maximise the overall data throughput. This activity aims to establish thesystem and sub-system performance requirements for the next generation of optical inter-satellite links (GEO-LEO, GEO-GEO) and to establish a development roadmap for the critical enabling technologies, taking into account the aspects outlined above and the expectations of commercial end users. -
Submission deadline: 16/11/2018 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "AUTHENTICATION OF GNSS SIGNALS BY RADIO SIGNAL FINGERPRINTING"The authentication of GNSS signals poses a challenging problem. Before exploiting a signal (e.g. its pseudo-noise sequence) it would be desirable for the receiver to have assurance quickly (ideally in less than 10-s) and reliably that the signal is actually coming from a navigation satellite and not from a spoofer (e.g. unknown pseudolite, delayed version of the same signal). Classical data-level authentication solutions work after signal demodulation (PN sequence de-spreading), require data-level cryptography (shared secrets) and key management. Furthermore, they cannot combat against delayed versions of the original signal, which is a problem for navigation receivers. Physical-layer authentication techniques like radio signal fingerprinting rely instead on what signals are (no shared secrets). Minimal differences in the physical structure of RF signal transmitters such as in the oscillator, amplifier and delay circuits produce differences in the amplitude, phase and frequency. Such differences can be exploited by adapted receivers to identify and classify the signal source. These techniques could offer an alternative to such data-level techniques with less system impact. These techniques allow to compare a received signal ‘signature’ against a local database of signatures with certain algorithms and decision criteria/metrics (e.g. fingerprint matcher using Mahalanobis distance). They do not need to process data-level information. They rely on the normal presence of pilots or equivalent repeated symbol patterns in all data frames of wireless systems producing repetitive radio signals. They are a subject of very intense research for what concerns certain security threats (e.g. impersonation, spoofing, intrusion detection) considering context (e.g. SNR conditions, classification objective, parametric and non-parametric statistical features) and implementation complexity for all sort of wireless technologies and standards from RFID tags to ZigBee,Z-wave, Wireless LAN, LTE.
Submission deadline: 16/11/2018 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "HIGH SPECTRAL PURITY REFERENCE GENERATOR FOR FLEXIBLE LOCAL OSCILLATORS"The objective of this activity is to design, manufacture and test a high spectral purity reference generator circuit enabling spurious free (or below the phase noise) operation of commercial of-the-shelf frequency synthesizers without phase noise degradation.Targeted Improvements:Enabling technology development of high spectral purity reference generators not existing today with spurious level below phase noise and no phase noise degradation.Description:The need for flexible local oscillators able to cope with the stringent frequency plan requirements of operators is becoming a must in modern flexible payloads and High Throughput Satellites. This requires the manufacturers of frequency converters to adopt more innovative frequency synthesizer solutions. Current preferred solutions are based on fractional-N synthesizers, however the frequency flexibility comes at the price of undesired spurious signals and degraded phase noise.This activity proposes a way to overcome this problem. A reference generator circuit (chip) shall be designed, manufactured and tested that is inserted between the reference oscillator and the reference input of the Phased Lock Loop (PLL). This circuit shall allow the PLL to achieve the equivalent of a fractional mode frequency selection (in small steps) with the phase noise and spurious performance of an integer mode operation PLL.A scaled engineering model of a high spectral purity reference generator shall be designed, manufactured and tested to validate the concepts developed.
Submission deadline: 12/11/2018 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "MULTI-GNSS BIAS HANDLING FOR AMBIGUITY FIXING WITH A FOCUS ON PRECISE ORIBT DETERMINATION"Development of new capability for high-precision GNSS users in space, air and ground, making use of multi-signal, multi-frequency and multi-constellation observations.
Submission deadline: 18/10/2018 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "HYBRIDIZING GNSS, INTEGRATED SENSORS AND TERRESTRIAL POSITIONING SIGNALS FOR SEAMLESS NAVIGATION OF GROUND BASED USERS"Mass market receivers are currently basing the provision of position and navigation functionalities by using a number of different signals (GNSS as primary means of navigation, cellular network etc.).The introduction of Galileo and Assisted Galileo services in the mass market applications, will bring significant benefits to the users, especially for applications in harsh conditions and environments, like urban/suburban. Furthermore, the introduction of positioning signals from terrestrial networks and the available plurality of sensors in a commercial receiver, offers the opportunity of hybridization for the improvement on the navigation performance for the majority of users.New standards are also being created (e.g. 5G) that could have important impact on the performance of theNavigation function in the receivers.This activity aims to:-Generate realistic scenarios to validate and promote the adoption of A-Galileo capable receivers-Develop the tools to emulate the processing and operations of mass market receivers-Investigate state of the art high sensitivity acquisition and tracking techniques by the optimal use of Galileo andAssisted-Galileo services-Investigate innovative techniques to hybridize the GNSS and other signals (e.g. 3G/4G) and sensor data (e.g. IMU)-Analyze the performance improvement relative to current solutions, by experimentationThe activity will provide inputs for the consolidation of the roadmap for the GALILEO system evolution, in the area of signal and receiver performance. Procurement Policy: C(1) = Activity restricted tonon-prime contractors (incl. SMEs). For additional information please go to EMITS news « Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and RD entities in ESA programmes ».
Submission deadline: 09/10/2018 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "ADVANCED OPEN-LOOP TECHNIQUES FOR HIGH-SENSITIVITY GNSS RECEIVERS APPLIED TO BOC SIGNALS"High-sensitivity GNSS receivers architectures are of interest in harsh propagation conditions in order to be able to keep tracking GNSS signals even at very low C/No conditions (typically down to around 10-20 dBHz, depending on the signal being tracked). For thispurpose, open-loop techniques can be used in the estimation of the code delay and the carrier phase and/or frequency, targeting a more robust estimation of those observables. In this process, advanced signal estimation techniques can be applied for the optimum exploitation of e.g. multi-correlation samples. This can be of particular interest in the case of BOC signals, due to the multiple peaks present in the BOC autocorrelation function. Advanced and innovative open-loop techniques exploiting in an optimum way the multi-correlator architectures shall be proposed and designed in this activity for the robust estimation of both code delay and carrier phase and frequency in harsh propagation conditions in the presence of fading and multipath at low C/No conditions (i.e. below or wellbelow 20-25 dBHz). The techniques proposed shall consider the tracking of BOC signals and the problems associated to the unambiguous tracking of those signals at low C/No conditions (even below 20-25 dBHz, depending on the BOC modulation considered). The techniques proposed shall be robust when considering no aiding information is available (i.e. the baseline shall be to consider that no aiding is available). The techniques proposed shall be assessed with SW simulations considering both acquisition and tracking stages or a combination of both if snapshot processing is performed. Those techniques shall demonstrate to be robust in cold start conditions and shall be applicable at satellite tracking level. The performance assessment shall be performed by using realistic channel models. Procurement Policy: C(1) = Activity restricted to non-prime contractors (incl. SMEs).
Submission deadline: 03/10/2018 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "COPERNICUS - PRECISE ORBIT DETERMINATION FOR ALL SENTINEL MISSIONS & PRECISE GPS ORBITS AND CLOCKS"Precise Orbit Determination (POD) of the Sentinel satellites is required for the exploitation of the scientificdata of the payloadsof these satellites. In particular for the Sentinel-1 -2 and -3 series of satellites, specificrequirements have been defined for the POD quality. This POD activity is being delivered as a service fromindustry. For generation of POD solutions, the most important input data are GPS observations, and the qualityof the solutions is related directly to the accuracy of the GPS orbit and clock solutions used in the processing.Delivery of precise solutions for GPS orbits and clock offsets is therefore equally part of this service.Since the launch of Sentinel-1A, the Navigation Support Office in ESOC has been delivering independentPOD solutions for all Sentinels, with the aim to evaluate the accuracy of the industrial service, and to supportits improvement. This service has been part of the GMES programme, and will now be acquired under theCopernicus programme. It shall have the following aims:- To provide independent POD solutions of all Sentinel spacecraft, aiming at the highest possible accuracy, inorder to validate the operational service delivered by industry- To provide independent POD solutions for the GPS constellation, used in the POD process, but also,optionally, as a backup to the GPS products delivered by industry- To provide POD solutions also for future Sentinel Spacecraft (as needed)- Toprepare for the transition to POD based on GPS and Galileo. The Invitation to Tender will be issued by the European Space Agency (ESA). It will be open exclusively to economic operators that have their registered office in an EU Member State or Iceland or Norway. The European Space Agency (ESA) will make the ITT (Cover Letter, Statement of Work, Special Conditions ofTender, Draft Contract) available on its tendering website (EMITS on its dedicated Copernicus server ( In order to access the ITT package from EMITS, a Tenderer must be registered as …
Submission deadline: 02/10/2018 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "FREQUENCY STABILISATION OF A QUANTUM CASCADE LASER FOR SUPRA-THZ APPLICATIONS"The supra-THz (>3 THz) bands have been recently proposed for low Earth orbit THz remote sounding missions such as LOCUS (Low-Cost Upper-atmosphere Sounder). In order to achieve coherent detection, heterodyne receivers at supra-THz frequencies are under development by integrating in a single waveguide cavity a Schottky based mixers fed by a Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) as Local Oscillator (LO).Thanks to the QCL, enough LO power is available to drive the mixer.Currently, a simple combination of passive thermal and electrical bias control is proposed for the frequency stabilization of the QCL. In order to achieve the frequency stability that would allowmeeting the scientific requirements, phased lock loop systems such as the beating tone of two lasers injected into the QCL shall beinvestigated.The activity aims at proposing, manufacturing and testing a frequency stabilization loop for QCLs used as LO of supra-THz Schottky mixers. The activity consists in:- establishing the state of the art survey for the Schottky based supra-THz heterodyne receivers and QCL LO,- issuing the main mission, receiver and LO performance requirements including frequency stability.- performing trade off analysis and selecting one baseline frequency stabilization loop solution including its integration with the QCL andSchottky mixer.- designing and analysing the selected configuration.- manufacturing and testing the critical breadboard elements- proposing a roadmap and a development plan for the critical elementsProcurement Policy: C(3) = Activity restricted to SMEs RD Entities. For additional information please go to EMITS news « Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and RD entities in ESA programmes ».
Submission deadline: 28/09/2018 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "NAVIGATION AND GNSS IN SMART CITIES: TESTBED CONCEPT DEFINITION"GNSS and other positioning systems are expected to have a very important role in Smart Cities. In this context, the design of the high-level architecture of a testbed to support future applications of GNSS and other positioning systems in Smart Cities is of high interest. The design of this testbed shall consider as baseline the availability of a network of distributed smart sensors, which are remotely accessible and configurable from the cloud, and existing network infrastructures shall be considered. The capabilities provided by the smart sensors shall be identified in order to coverdifferent target applications. Any sector that could be benefit from the usage of navigation information shall beconsidered. In terms of technology, the exploitation of both GNSS and terrestrial positioning systems shall be taken into account. Furthermore, the mechanisms to manage and efficiently exploit the data from the sensors in the cloud shall be defined and preliminary assessed. Based on the previous analysis, a preliminary definition of Smart City navigation based applications and the corresponding feasibility analysis shall be provided. In parallel to the definition of the testbed,the following two use cases envisaged shall be implemented in a software simulation platform in order to show the potential of GNSS in Smart Cities:i- Cloud-based localisation of GNSS jammers: analysis, design and concept demonstration : the detection, monitoring and localization of GNSS jammers might be a need due to the increasing services and applications relying on the GNSS signals forits operation (e.g. mobile communication base stations). In this context, the current evolution of cloud computing and the Internetof Things (IoT) with future devices connected to the Internet and applications running in the cloud makes feasible to thing about acloud-based localization of GNSS jammers. A series of GNSS sensor devices are connected to the internet and are able to send to the cloud snapshots of the GNSS signal received which eventuallymight contain as well interference signals.
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Submission deadline: 28/09/2018 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "HIGHLY SELECTIVE FILTER SYSTEM FOR OPTICAL ANTENNAS"The objective is to assess the most optimum and cost-efficient spectral filtering technique with a bandwidth of a few Angstroem (potentially a narrower, tunable bandwidth to account for the Doppler shift) with high throughput (> 60%) best adapted to a given design of an optical ground antenna and develop a demonstrator prototype for the 1550nm wavelength band. The benefit consists in maximizing the contact duration with the satellite by being able to operate as close to the Sun as possible.The spectral filter is a critical element to reject unwanted background and straylight onto the receive detector during day and night operation. The activity consists in elaborating its optimized design (interference filters vs. fiber Bragg gratings vs. volume Bragg gratings) after trade-offs taking into account the overall design of the optical antenna (e.g. numerical aperture of the beam, tunability vs. spectral width, etc.).The overall cost will depend on the performance(selectivity, out-of-band rejection and in-band thoughput) of the filter system, which is a significant driver for the surface quality requirements mainly of the primary mirror.It is a fundamental building block for optical antennas serving (future) missions in all domains (Earth Observations, Science, Telecommunications) that would employoptical links. Asteroid Impact Mission (AIM; launch 2020, Didymos rendez-vous 2022) presents a strategic demonstration opportunity either on ESA’s OGS on Tenerife, or on an existing astronomical telescope by providing the optical receiver chain …
Submission deadline: 27/09/2018 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "QUANTUM-BASED SENSING FOR PNT"This EXPRO+ procurement is part of the NAVISP Programme, under Elelment 1, Work Plan 2018.The exploitation of quantum physics hasenabled revolutionary technical applications and is today again set to disrupt conventional technologies such as communication, encryption, sensing, and computing by usage of even more fundamental quantum effects such as superposition, entanglement and atom interferometry. Such effects are inherently fragile and sensitive to the outside world and can be used to create precise devices for measuring local acceleration, gravity, magnetic fields, and rotation. The technology has the potential to boost accuracies for inertial-, gravity-, and magnetic based navigation by orders of magnitudes and is therefore a promising future technology to augment GNSS navigation in challenging environments. For navigation, several quantum technologies look promising for a wide range of inertial navigation applications due to recent advancement in science and technology. It is expected that the technoloy progress will allow commercialisation in various navigation use cases in the future.
Date limite de soumission : 10/09/2018 - Appel à idées R&T CNES pour les systèmes orbitauxLe site R&T et Thèses des Systèmes Orbitaux est principalement dédié à l’appel à idées de R&T et à l’appel à sujets de thèses doctorales.
- L’appel à propositions d’idées R&T externes pour le plan R&T 2019 sera ouvert du 02 Juillet 2018 au 10 Septembre 2018 23h59.
- Dans le cadre d’une volonté d’harmonisation, les appels à proposition de sujets de thèse à caractère scientifique et technique ont été regroupés.
- Pour l’appel à propositions de sujets de thèses les dates seront communiquées ultérieurement.
Submission deadline: 10/09/2018 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "ADVANCED GLASS CELL TECHNOLOGY FOR EXTENDED GNSS ATOMIC CLOCKS LIFETIME"Glass cells are typically used in Frequency Standard, both as reference cell, in the lamps for atomic pumping and as dissociator bulbs.When used in a lamp (RAFS or Mercury ion trap), the cell must be sufficiently resilient for avoiding limitations in the lifetime due to diffusion of material (i.e. Rubidium or Mercury) inside the bulb walls, given the combination of dissociation mechanisms and high temperatures. In the case of dissociators (like in the PHM) the sputtering effect due to ion bombardment of the inner bulb surface is one of the detrimental effects limiting the instrument lifetime.Cell coating or appropriate bulb material selection are the only solution for limiting such phenomena. The existing techniques adopted in the industrial processes (especially for light bulbs) or in literature shall be analysed and solution shall be proposed for both lamps and dissociators. The identified solutions shall be implemented and at least 5 cells shall be manufactured for each solution proposed. Those cells will be integrated on a representative test vehicle. Aging or comparative tests shall be then identified and performed with the aim of assessing the identified solutions effectiveness. Geometry of the cells/bulbs will be provided as an input to the activity. Clock manufacturers shall be involved in the study for bulb geometry and test vehicle definition. Procurement Policy: C(1) = Activity restricted to non-prime contractors (incl. SMEs). For additional information please go to EMITS news « Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and RD entities in ESA programmes ».
Submission deadline: 22/06/2018 - ESA Open Invitation to tender "TGVF-X (TIME AND GEODESY VALIDATION FACILITY FOR THE EXPLOITATION PHASE)"The TGVF project is based on developments started in the early 200o, in particular the GSTB-V2 project which intended to support the GIOVE satellites mission with a functional and representative Ground Segment.In 2010, due to the need to support the qualification of the Galileo Ground Mission Segment and noting that Service Facilities had not been put in place, the TGVF IOV was setup to fulfil the Time Service Provider (TSP) and Geodetic Reference Service Providers (GRSP) in the formal In-Orbit-Validation campaigns of the Galileo System leading to IOVR in late 2013. Additionally, the TGVF IOV started the support to the IOT campaigns providing orbit and onboard atomic clocks characterisation.In 2016, the TGVF FOC was developed to participate in the Galileo System Qualification,leading to the FOC1 Qualification.The activities required for the Galileo Exploitation phase that are to be performed by TGVF-X can be summarised as follows:Near real-time KPI Monitoring/Service Notification at ESA level for OS Service ManagementTelemetry and Telecommand Monitoring for Space Segment trend analysis and Radiation Monitoring Support to System Performance/Satellite Troubleshooting and investigation in general. Other activities like current In-Orbit Test support (orbit/clock characterisation) GalileoSystem performance verification and validationMoreover, the TGVF-X shall provide support to Galileo Second Generation and Evolutions Experimentation activities. Furthermore, the TGVF-X shall have an emphasis on Cyber Security.
Date limite de soumission : 15/05/2018 - Appel d'offre de l'ESA "EXPRO NAVISP ELEMENT 1 (NAVISP-EL1-002): TRUSTED RADIONAVIGATION VIA TWO-WAY RANGING"This EXPRO+ procurement is part of the NAVISP Programme, under Elelment 1, Work Plan 2017.This activity aims to explore the use of two-way ranging for radionavigation, to overcome the some of the shortcomings of passive ranging systems such as GNSS. Prominent amongst these shortcomings is the fundamental vulnerability of passive-ranging systems to malicious compromise via spoofing or meaconing. Rather than operating on the principles of time-of-arrival ranging, the proposed research will define a new scheme that will form ranging estimates based on infrastructure interrogation, using cryptographic distance-bounding techniques, thereby firmly asserting the validity of the channel estimates. Unlike the loose concept of security that can be offered via cryptographically enhanced GNSS signals, the proposed demonstration will derive position estimates based on provably secure observations.
Date limite de soumission : 20/04/2018 - Appel annuel à Propositions de Recherche du CNES pour 2019L’Appel annuel à Propositions de Recherche (APR) du CNES pour 2019 est ouvert. Il concerne :
– les études préparatoires,
– l’accompagnement scientifique des missions spatiales,
– les expériences en microgravité, sous ballon ou en avion de recherche,
– les simulations sol et analogues,
– les contributions aux missions d’autres agences.
Vous êtes invités à adresser vos propositions pour le vendredi 20 avril au plus tard selon les modalités décrites dans la documentation accessible sur le site
Date limite de soumission : 16/04/2018 - Appel à projets bilatéral ANR – JST CREST sur les "Technologies quantiques"Dans le cadre de son accord de collaboration avec l’agence japonaise pour la science et la technologie (JST), l’ANR lance un appel conjoint portant sur les technologies quantiques.
Cet appel s’inscrit dans le cadre du programme de recherche japonais CREST, créé afin de soutenir des objectifs de recherche prioritaires (Strategic objectives). Ce programme soutient la recherche collaborative dont les résultats constitueront les fondements de ruptures scientifiques et technologiques.
Les propositions devront être portées conjointement par un coordinateur japonais et un coordinateur français et seront évaluées par la JST et par l’ANR. L’appel est ouvert aux partenaires publics et privés.
L’ANR financera les équipes françaises à hauteur d’environ 500 k€ par projet selon le nombre de partenaires et l’ambition du projet, pour une durée de 5 ans.
L’appel JST-CREST sera lancé au Japon ultérieurement, mais les consortiums franco-japonais devront avoir déposé leur dossier scientifique à l’ANR avant le 16 avril 2018.
Plus d’informations :
Date limite de soumission : 12/02/2018 - Appel d'offre de l'ESA "USE OF SECURE OPTICAL COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES TO PROTECT EUROPEAN CRITICAL INFRASTRUCTURE (SCYLIGHT WORKPLAN SL.010)"Objective: To identify how space-based optical communication technologies, in particular quantum cryptography, can be designed, deployed and used to protect European critical infrastructure. Targeted Improvements:Technical and operational requirements for the protection of critical infrastructure by space-based systems and a development roadmap for the critical enabling technologies.Description: This activity targets the protection of European critical infrastructure through the exploitation of secureoptical communication technologies. European critical infrastructure means critical infrastructure located in European Union states, the disruption or destruction of which would have a significant impact on at least two states (e.g. related to energy, health, transport, telecommunications, finance, security and space assets).The activity shall identify the potential deficiencies of existing secure solutions for critical infrastructure protection, including crypto key management and distribution. It shall identify the required technology developments, concepts of operation and possible scenarios for deployment in space in a 2020 – 2025 timeframe. The technical and operational requirements for space-based systems (e.g. low earth orbit satellites, geostationary satellites, ground segment) shall beestablished and a business case developed for the protection of critical infrastructures using optical communication technologies, such as quantum key distribution.
Date limite de soumission : 12/02/2018- Appel à Projets 2018 de FIRST-TFCet appel à projets vise à soutenir des équipes du réseau FIRST-TF sur des projets ambitieux (projets de recherche, projets en partenariat avec les entreprises, projets de formation ou de diffusion des savoirs vers le public) et à renforcer les collaborations entre ses membres, sur des thématiques axées sur la métrologie Temps‑Fréquence, incluant ses interfaces et ses applications.
Le soutien apporté par FIRST-TF pourra porter sur :
- du personnel (co-financement de doctorat, financement de CDD jeune chercheur, de CDD ingénieur ou technicien, mission doctorale) ;
- de l’équipement (matériel, composants, instrumentation, etc.) ;
- du fonctionnement (missions, invitations de chercheurs, organisation de workshop ou de conférences, etc.).
Le projet proposé peut être à l’initiative de tout membre de FIRST-TF : laboratoire fondateur ou membre du 2nd cercle.
=> le texte de l’appel à projets
=> le formulaire de réponsePour toute question ou demande d’information relative à cet appel à projets, adressez votre message à ao(at)
Date limite de soumission : 15/01/2018- Appel d'offre de l'ESA "TECHNIQUES FOR AUTHENTIC POSITION/VELOCITY/TIME (PVT)"More and more applications rely on the Position and Time solution provided by a GNSS equipment to enableservices of critical nature. Synchronization of cellular network, emergency vehicle location, time tagging of bank transactions, automated highways and lane control, aircraft movements on airports and precision landing are just examples of applications in need not only of high availabilityaccuracy and integrity, but fundamentally requiring a very high level of « trust ».How well this level of trust is placed, depends on the robustness of the GNSS-based solution against failure,disruption and interference. Today, most implementations rely on simpleReceiver Autonomous Integrity Monitor (RAIM) approach or the hybridization with other sensors for the detection of this phenomena, while promising solution seems to become available at system, signal and navigation processing level.We focus here on the intentional interference specific threats. In particular malicious users who try to reproduce the authentic GNSS signal in order to misguide the receiver towards a wrong Position or timing solution. The availability of cheaper and more powerful hardware including sophisticated signal processing has made this possibility a real concern for many user communities, to which the current GNSS systems have not yet provided a solution, i.e. the provision of an authentication mechanism protecting the Open Service from those type of intentional interference. So investigation in this area is becoming a very hot topic in the domain of satellite navigation both at user and system level, since none of the current GNSS systems/augmentation currently provides authentication, although lot of research has been performed on the topic. This activity proposes to study broadly techniques of authentication of the Navigation solution at signal/system and user level, to test them in realistic scenarios and environment conditions. Proposed solutions include sophisticated signal processing, robust navigation filtering, exploitation of encrypted watermarking, multi-constellation processing, hybridization, and options for signal/message authentication.Tasks:- Definition of techniques for PVT authentication- Definition of methodology for performance evaluation- Definition of scenarios for performance assessment- Performance evaluation in the predefined scenarios.
=> Plus d’information sur le site EMITS de l’ESA
Date limite de soumission : 11/09/2017 - Appel à idées R&T 2018 CNES pour les systèmes orbitauxL’appel à idées R&T 2018 pour les Systèmes Orbitaux est ouvert sur le site
Les propositions d’idées devront être soumises sur ce site impérativement avant le 11 Septembre 2017 à 23H59.
Le site de soumission permet aux proposants de modifier les fiches déposées jusqu’à la fermeture du site ; seules les fiches complètes lors de la fermeture seront prises en compte.
Désormais les appels à propositions de sujets de thèse à caractère scientifique et technique ont été regroupés. Les thèses qui nécessiteront des accompagnements techniques (approvisionnement, moyens d’essai, …) devront inclure dans le descriptif du travail de thèse, les éléments relatifs à ces activités et à leur financement. Les propositions de R&T en accompagnement de thèse, ne seront par conséquent plus éligibles dans le cadre de l’appel à idées R&T.
Les dates d’ouverture, de fermeture et les conditions de l’appel à proposition de sujets de thèses seront précisées ultérieurement sur ce site.
Date limite de soumission : 23/06/2017 - Appel à projets ASTRID Maturation 2017L’Agence nationale de la recherche lance en partenariat avec la Direction générale de l’armement (DGA) la cinquième édition du programme ASTRID Maturation, « Accompagnement Spécifique des travaux de Recherches et d’Innovation Défense : Maturation et valorisation». Ce programme est financé totalement par la DGA et est hébergé à l’ANR qui assure sa mise en œuvre.
Le programme ASTRID Maturation est destiné à accompagner la valorisation des travaux scientifiques accomplis dans d’autres dispositifs de soutien à la recherche (programme ASTRID, thèses financées par le dispositif de soutien à la formation par la recherche de la DGA, projets d’écoles sous tutelle DGA). Ce programme dual (les applications devront intéresser à la fois les domaines civils et militaires) est l’une des 40 mesures du pacte défense PME.
Date limite de soumission : 21/04/2017 - L’Appel annuel à Propositions de Recherche (APR) du CNES pour 2018L’Appel annuel à Propositions de Recherche (APR) du CNES pour 2018 est en ligne : site APR du CNES. Pour votre information, depuis l’an dernier, l’appel à propositions Ballons est inclus au sein de l’APR. Vous êtes invités à nous adresser vos propositions pour le vendredi 21 avril au plus tard selon les modalités décrites dans la documentation accessible sur le site.
Date limite de soumission : 31/03/2017 - Appel à candidatures CNES pour les thèses et post-doctoratsChaque année, le CNES accorde une centaine d’allocations de recherche (thèses et post-doctorats) à des étudiants français et étrangers, dans les domaines des sciences pour l’ingénieur (systèmes orbitaux, systèmes de transport spatial), des sciences utilisatrices des moyens spatiaux (sciences de l’Univers, sciences de la Terre, sciences en micropesanteur).
Date limite de soumission : 06/02/2017 - Appel à projets 2017 de FIRST-TFCet appel d’offre vise à soutenir des équipes du réseau FIRST-TF sur des projets ambitieux et à renforcer les collaborations entre ses membres, sur des thématiques axées sur la métrologie Temps‑Fréquence, incluant ses interfaces et ses applications.
Le soutien apporté par FIRST-TF pourra porter sur du personnel (cofinancement de bourses de thèse, financement de bourses de post-doc ou de CDDs), de l’équipement (matériel, composants, instrumentation, …) et du fonctionnement (missions, invitations de chercheurs, organisation de workshop ou de conférences, …).
Le projet proposé peut être à l’initiative de tout membre de FIRST-TF (accès à la liste des membres de FIRST-TF : laboratoire fondateur ou membre du 2ème cercle (laboratoire, industriel, centre technique). Au moins un laboratoire fondateur du Labex FIRST-TF (i.e. FEMTO-ST, GEOAZUR, LPL, SYRTE, UTINAM) doit être impérativement impliqué dans le projet proposé.
Pour toute question ou demande d’information relative à cet appel d’offre, adresser votre message à ao(at)
Date limite de soumission : 03/02/2017 - Appel d'offre de l'ESA : "H2020-WP16-H020 GNSS EVOLUTIONS SYSTEM PHASE B FRAMEWORK"Date d’ouverture : 14/12/2016
Date de clôture : 03/02/2017 à 13:00
H2020 WP16 H020 – GNSS Evolutions System Phase B1 Framework: Framework contract for System activities for the Phase B1 of Galileo Second Generation
Date limite de soumission le 16 janvier 2017 - Appel d'offre de l'ESA "SIMULATION TESTBED FOR EVALUATION OF GNSS PERFORMANCE IN A RAILWAY ENVIRONMENT"Date d’ouverture : 08/11/2016
Date de clôture : 16/01/2017 à 13:00
The proposed testbed would facilitate testing of receiver performances in a railway environment and testing of receiver technologies, concepts and algorithms for detection and mitigation of local feared events (LFEs), for which it is statistically improbable to observe many types of LFEs in a field test.The proposed activity includes the identification of barriers to mitigate LFEs for railway and trading-off of architectures for the on board system. This includes multi-sensor systems, the use of accurate track data base information, RAIM algorithms, protection levels calculations, etc.Unlike field testing, where variables cannot be adequately controlled resulting in confounded and non-repeatable results, the proposed testbed shall provide the tools to facilitate repeatable testing as well as fault-injection testing in a highly controlled environment. It is envisaged that data obtained from field tests can beused to generate realistic scenarios for testing.Procurement Policy: C(1) = Activity restricted to non-prime contractors (incl. SMEs). For additional information please go to EMITS news « Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and RD entities in ESA programmes
Plus d’informations sur le site EMITS de l’ESA :
Date limite de soumission le 09 janvier 2017 - Appel d'offre de l'ESA "H2020 WP15-H018 GNSS ODTS ALGORITHM TECHNOLOGY"Open date 04/11/2016
Closing date 09/01/2017 13:00H2020 WP15 H018 – GNSS ODTS Algorithm Technology : This activity will carry
out the development of advanced algorithms and softwareand hardware
implementation of Orbit Determination and Time Synchronisation function, in
support to Galileo 2nd Generation activities.Plus d’informations sur le site EMITS de l’ESA :
Open date 18/10/2016
Closing date 29/11/2016 13:00
Optical feedback correction of the frequency of a narrow band laser using an OSRC and feedback electronics can lead to orders of magnitude reduction in the phase noise, quantified as frequency noise spectral density, and thus the linewidth. The combination of a laser, having suitable wavelength/frequency and preliminary frequency response characteristics, with an OSRC using appropriate frequency locking techniques, can lead to further orders of magnitude reduction in the phase noise and the linewidth while maintaining good frequency drift characteristics. The laser line-width reduction using an OSRC is 5-6 orders of magnitude. Nevertheless the opto-mechanical design, the OSRC structure support and the environment of the OSRC will set a limit to the achievable linewidth reduction. The presence of vibration (micro-vibrations) and thermal variations during operation lead to minute length changes which can be detected both in the axial and transverse directions. ESA has supported the development of the Optical Stabilising Reference Cavity [OSRC] as a core element for meeting future space missions. These would be missions where the principal requirements of ultra-narrow laser linewidth (ultra-low phase noise) and low laser frequency drift can be met. Such future missions would include, Space Optical Clocks (SOC), laser stabilisation for LISA, Next Generation Gravity Mission (NGGM).In the TRP activity: Design Analysis of Stable Optical Reference Cavities three different cavity designs were evaluated using a FEA implementation of the optomechanical system. All three cavity designs, with corresponding FEA models (using a high density mesh) were developed and were then subjected to the simulated effects of vibration and thermal vacuum cycling to evaluate the changes in their critical parameters. An estimate of the sensitivity to the acceleration loads was also calculated. With the simulation data collected a direct measurement was made of the passive sensitivity of the Fractional Frequency Instabilities as a function of g.
Plus d’information sur le site EMITS de l’ESA :
Date limite de soumission le 23 Novembre 2016 - Appel d'offre de l'ESA "H2020 WP15-H015 GNSS GROUND REFERENCE STATION TRANSVERSAL TECHNOLOGIES FRAMEWORK"AO 8684
Open date 12/10/2016
Closing date 23/11/2016 13:00
Framework: This framework implement activities for the development of technology (at antenna, RF or signal processing level) for future Ground Reference Stations for Galileo 2nd Generation /EGNOS evolutions, aiming at increased performance and robustness against interference and environmental conditions.
Plus d’information sur le site EMITS de l’ESA :
Date limite de soumission le 14 Novembre 2016 - Appel d'offre de l'ESA "H2020 WP15 - H013 INTER-SATELLITE LINKS TECHNOLOGY"Open date 19/09/2016
Closing date 14/11/2016 13:00H2020 WP15 H013 – Inter-Satellite Links Technology : This activity will carry
out the development and qualification of Inter-Satellite Link (ISL) critical
units, for consideration under Galileo 2nd Generation.Plus d’information sur le site EMITS de l’ESA :
Date limite de soumission le 5 octobre 2016 - Appel d'offre de l'ESA "OPTICAL BENCH MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIALISATION STUDY"The objective of this activity is to build upon the LISA Pathfinder heritage and identify process improvements, and production automation techniques that will enable the timely and cost effective manufacturing of the relatively large number of optical benches required for a gravitational wave observatory mission.Procurement Policy: C(2) = A relevant participation (in terms of quality and quantity) of non-primes (incl. SMEs) is required. For additional information please go to EMITS news « Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and RD entities in ESA programmes ».
Plus d’informations sur le site EMITS de l’ESA :
Date limite de soumission le 28 septembre 2016 - Appel d'offre de l'ESA "PHOTON COUNTING GROUND BASED OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS DETECTOR"Optical communications technology offers the potential of a dramatic increase in data rates, specifically in the down-link of science data, thereby allowing for a substantial increase in science return. Direct detection technology using pulse position modulation (PPM) is regarded as the preferred solution for « deep space » optical links. The two primary wavelength bands being considered are 1064nm and 1550nm. Among the challenges to be addressed prior to any implementation of an operational Deep-Space optical terminal is ahighly sensitive, high-bandwidth optical detector. Single-photon counting detection capability is required for distances of severalAU, and offers the best link efficiency even for much shorter distances (e.g. Moon). The objective of this activity is to develop and characterize a near-single-pohoton-counting quadrant (4 pixel) detector as communications receiver for photon-starved direct-to-ground optical satellite links that is also capable of high-bandwidth tracking. The development is performance oriented and does not focus on a particular detector technology. Candidate technologies are envisaged to be APDs in HgCdTe (MCT) or other suitable materials (such as InGaAs, AlGaAs, …), IPDs, or Super-conducting nano-structures (nano-wires).C(1) = Activity restricted to non-prime contractors (incl. SMEs). For additional information please go to EMITS news (dated 05/02/2001) « Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and RD entities in ESA programmes »
Plus d’informations sur le site EMITS de l’ESA :
Date limite de soumission le 19 septembre 2016 - Appel d'offre de l'ESA "EGEP ID 104: TRANS-NATIONAL TIME AND FREQUENCY LINKS OVER OPTICAL FIBRE FOR GNSS TIMING INFRASTRUCTURE"The activity shall start with a review of the state-of-the art methods and techniques used for the accurate transfer of time and frequency over optical fibres, and their feasibility for implementation in the Galileo ground infrastructure. These methods shall be traded-off in terms of technological readiness (e.g. availability of COTS components and suitable fibre links), performance (robustness to failures, service availability and continuity, accuracy, stability), technology (protocol, transport,a?|) and cost (investment, operation), in order to select the most appropriate one for the Galileo ground infrastructure. The selected method and associated technology shall be implemented on a representative long-distance trans-national link, connecting at least two facilities/laboratoriesoperating a traceable timescale. The link shall be operated continuously for a minimum duration of 6 months in order to demonstrateperformance and availability, and derive recommendations for possible implementation in the evolutions of the Galileo ground infrastructure.
Plus d’informations sur le site EMITS de l’ESA :
Date limite de soumission le 12 septembre 2016 - Appel à idées R&T 2017 du CNESL’appel à idées R&T 2017 pour les Systèmes Orbitaux est ouvert sur le site propositions d’idées devront être soumises sur ce site impérativement avant le 12 Septembre 2016 à 23H59.Le site de soumission permet aux proposants de modifier les fiches déposées jusqu’à la fermeture du site. J’attire votre attention sur le fait que seules les fiches complètes lors de la fermeture seront prises en compte.Par ailleurs, dans le cadre d’une volonté d’harmonisation des programmes de thèse, les appels à propositions à sujets de thèse à caractère scientifique et technique ont été regroupés. Cet appel à proposition unique sera ouvert le 1er septembre et clos le 9 octobre 2016. Les thèses qui nécessiteront des accompagnements techniques (approvisionnement, moyens d’essai, …) devront inclure dans le descriptif du travail de thèse, les éléments relatifs à ces activités et à leur financement. Les propositions de R&T en accompagnement de thèse, ne seront par conséquent plus éligibles dans le cadre de l’appel à idées R&T. Les conditions de l’appel à proposition de sujets de thèses seront précisées ultérieurement sur ce site. -
Date limite de soumission le 8 septembre 2016 - Appel d'offre de l'ESA "NOVEL DEEP SPACE STATIONS ARCHITECTURES FOR FREQUENCY GENERATION, CONVERSION & DISTRIBUTION - T712-402GS - EXPRO+"Current ESA Deep Space stations frequency plan is based on use of S-, X- and Ka-band frequency allocations and on a fixed-frequency down converting scheme at 70 MHz. Moreover, the currently distributed frequency reference is100 or 5 MHz and distribution is performed via coaxial cables. Such technical constraints come from legacy designs and implementations and shall be reviewed, in terms of performance, cost and ease of maintenance, taking into consideration obsolescence of currently deployed equipment, new mission needs and maintenance streamlining. Technology advancements in terms of frequency and time generation and distribution, frequency multiplication, utilisation of optical fibres and related RF-to-optical and optical-to-RF converters, digital signal processing shall be exploited and adapted to the purpose, with the scope of obtaining state of the art performance and reducing current implementation costs. New generations of ultra-stable clocks with ultimate performance are providing as natural output frequencies in the GHz range. The direct use of a frequency reference in ESTRACK within this range would mean an improvement in several areas:- Simplification of the down-conversion chain, with less elements and less complex. This would reduce the overall cost of the station.- The generation of the Local Oscillator inside the frequency converters will be easier. The price of the frequency converters would be reduced. The performance in terms of phase noise and stability would be better, opening the door to improvements in orbit determination accuracy, as well as for the support of more demanding scientific missions and radioscience research.- Possibility to have a larger band atthe output of the frequency converters, allowing higher data rates and better radioscience research.- The use of a higher frequency reference reduce the multiplication ratio up to the carrier frequency. In this way, the impact on the performance of the reference clock in terms of phase noise and stability is minimised and profiting the most from new generations of ultra-stable clocks- The use of fibre optic for the distribution of frequency improves the EMC performance Plus d’informations sur le site EMITS de l’ESA :
Date limite de soumission le 6 septembre 2016 - Appel d'offre de l'ESA "CARRIER PHASE POSITIONING TECHNIQUES FOR MASS MARKET GNSS RECEIVERS - EXPRO PLUS"Currently carrier phase positioning techniques assume the utilization of a professional receiver, whose main advantages are the reduced multipath impact and the dual frequency tracking capability. Furthermore, professional receivers have limited capability to track non-line of sight satellites, especially in challenging environments (like urban ones).Most of the GNSS users are nowadays exploiting mass market receivers. Those receivers are characterized by single frequency use (but for the future it could be also dual frequency) a high robustness signal tracking, and low C/No acquisition and tracking thresholds. Those capabilities increase dramatically the satellites availability in challenging environments (e.g. urban environments and urban canyons). However, tracking noise is typically higher, mainly becausethey are more sensitive to multipath than the professional receivers.The main carrier-phase based techniques are Precision Point Positioning (PPP)and Real Time Kinetic (RTK/WRTK).PPP is in principle a worldwide service while RTK/WRTK is a local/wide area service. Those techniques are normally based in professional receivers.The task included in this activity arefirstly to do an assessment of the current PPP and RTK/WRTK state of the art algorithms performance when using mass-market receivers in challenging environments (e.g. urban).Secondly to improve those algorithms.Then, to defined a proof of concept (PoC) with acommercial chipset to test the most important aspects of the improved PPP algorithms and characterize its performance (accuracy andconvergence time) in selected and agreed representative scenarios.The conclusions of the PoC shall be used for iterating the algorithms in order to improve them further. Finally, a set of recommendations, algorithms and PoC results shall be provided.Procurement Policy: C(1) = Activity restricted to non-prime contractors (incl. SMEs). For additional information please go to EMITS news "Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and RD entities in ESA programmes". Plus d'informations sur le site EMITS de l'ESA :
Date limite de soumission le 30 août 2016 - Appel d'offre de l'ESA "OPTICAL INTERSATELLITE TERMINALS FOR GNSS (PTRP) - EXPRO PLUS"Communication links between GNSS satellites are required if the constellation shall operate for an extended time without ground contact. Under such circumstances, jamming resistance is considered a critical requirement and optical links can provide the ultimate protection from ground-to-space jamming. At the same time, low cost, high reliability and small size, mass and power are important tobe implemented on a GNSS constellation. The activity shall review the requirements on intersatellite links based on the GNSS architecture. It shall design the optimal laser linked GNSS constellation, elaborate an advanced preliminary design of the complete terminal, proceed with the component selection, and derive the path to reduce the cost of building and qualifying such laser terminals providing the detailed roadmap for its development toward TRL 9 readiness.
Plus d'informations sur le site EMITS de l'ESA :
Date limite de soumission le 11 Aout 2016 - Appel d'offre "ACCURATE CALIBRATION OF MULTI-SYSTEM/MULTI-FREQUENCY GNSS RECEIVER CHAINS"Open date 16/06/2016
Closing date 11/08/2016 13:00
As a system providing timing services, Galileo disseminates an accurate prediction of the offset between its own timescale (GalileoSystem Time, GST)and Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The offset between GST and the GPS Timescale is also disseminated to guarantee interoperability between the two systems. The relationship between these timescales shall therefore be properly estimated to within a known uncertainty. One of the key contributor in this estimation is the receiver chain (GNSS receiver + antenna), whose internal delays and delays to the user clock shall be accurately determined. Most calibration procedures in place today, in particular theones recommended by the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM), are based on relative methods and applicable to GPS and GLONASS. Alternative methods (e.g. based on absolute delays measurements) are also under development.The activity shall start with areview of the state-of-the art methods and techniques, as well as their applicability to Galileo. Second, a procedure shall be developed with the goal to achieve an uncertainty in the receiver chain delay measurement of one nanosecond, with minimum impact on the link operation and associated logistics (need for dedicated equipment, access and interface to the sitea?|). The procedure shall also include the proposed verification approach (e.g. comparison against other methods). A calibration campaign shall be executed on a number of representative receiver chains (test equipment and tools vailable
at ESTEC can be made available). Test results shall be reviewed and analysed in accordance with the verification approach in order to validate the procedure and demonstrate compliance with the targeted performance. Procurement Policy: C(4) = Activities in open competition, subject to the SME Subcontracting clause. For additional information please go to EMITS news
« Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and RD entities in ESA
programmes ».
Click on this link to access the Invitation To Tender on EMITS:
Open date 31/05/2016
Closing date 12/07/2016 13:00
Reference Nr. 16.164.05
Prog. Ref. CTP – General
Budget Ref. E/0401-01B – CTP – General
Tender Type C
Price Range > 500 KEURO
Products Satellites & Probes / Payloads / Instruments / Instruments ? BB
Technology Domains Optoelectronics / Laser Technologies / Laser Sources
Establishment ESTEC
Directorate Directorate of Science
Department Future Missions Office
Responsible Weihert, Beatrice
Industrial Policy M. N/A
Last Update Date 31-05-2016, 11:31:53
Update Reason Tender issue
A space-borne interferometric gravitational wave observatory mission requires
a laser system with exceptional performance requirements which must be met
over the entire mission lifetime. Of particular criticality are the output
power, frequency and power stability and sideband phase fidelity.The goal of
this activity is the development and test of an engineering model (EM) of a
laser systemmeeting the requirements thereby demonstrating TRL 6. The activity
shall be split in two contractual phases, with two parallel PhaseI contracts
being followed by a single Phase II contract. A third intended phase, not
covered under this activity, shall be addressed as an option in the proposals
submitted.Phase I shall begin with the assessment of currently available
optoelectronics technology and identify the modifications, if required, for
the technology to be used in a laser system for a gravitational wave
observatorymission. The identified modifications shall be implemented in this
phase and the results integrated into the laser system design. The laser
system design shall be supported by appropriate trade-offs and analysis. As
far as possible a breadboard demonstration of the chosen design shall be
conducted in order to demonstrate compliance with the performance requirements
in a laboratory environment. The qualification status of all components of the
proposed system shall be reviewed with respect to the operational environment
e.g. vacuum, radiation, lifetime and a test plan to be implemented in Phase II
shall be developed.Phase I shall also deliver a design and development plan
for Phase II and Phase III, as well as towards the full flight system.Phase II
shall begin with the completion of the detailed laser system design. The laser
system EM shall be manufactured and subjected to functional and performance
testing in a relevant environment. Phase II shall address any component level
testing required for demonstrating compliance with the L3 mission environment
i.e. the demonstration of component TRL 7Phase III shall demonstrate the
lifetime of the proposed system on a second EM in a relevant environment.
Click on this link to access the Invitation To Tender on EMITS:
Date limite de soumission - Appel à projets ASTRID MaturationASTRID Maturation est un Programme partenarial de projets portés par des consortiums impliquant à la fois des organismes de recherche et des entreprises. Il vise à aboutir à une maturation des travaux académiques et au transfert de technologie vers les entreprises et à soutenir des projets portant sur la valorisation scientifique ou technique d’une ou plusieurs innovations et la mise en correspondance avec des besoins civils et militaires. Date limite de soumission des dossiers : 24 juin 2016.
Date limite de soumission le 28 avril 2016 - Appel d'offre ESA (ESA Invitation to tender AO8586) "PHASE REFERENCE DISTRIBUTION FOR LASER INTERFEROMETRY"Development and Verification of an optical phase reference distribution system for gravitational wave applications. A gravitational wave detector compares the phase-delay of laser light caused by a gravitational wave in one interferometric ‘arm’ of the detector with the phase delay in the other arm of the detector. To do so, both arms need to have a common phase reference that is usually derived from a local oscillator and that is passed between the optical benches of each respective arm via an optical link usually called the ‘backlink’ or Phase Reference Distribution (PRD) system.
Procurement Policy: C(2) = A relevant participation (in terms of quality and quantity) of non-primes (incl. SMEs) is required. For additional information please go to EMITS news « Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and R&D entities.
Date limite de soumission le 22 avril 2016 - Appel annuel à Propositions de Recherche du CNES pour 2017 (APR)L’Appel annuel à Propositions de Recherche du CNES pour 2017 (APR) est en ligne sur le site APR du CNES
Pour votre information, l’appel à propositions Ballons est désormais inclus au sein de l’APR.Date limite pour adresser vos propositions : vendredi 22 avril. -
Date limite de soumission le 05 avril 2016 - Appel d'offre ESA (ESA Invitation To Tender 8382) " DEVELOPMENT OF A HIGH POWER, HIGH SPECTRAL PURITY RED-DETUNED LATTICE LASER AT 813NM FOR NEUTRAL STRONTIUM "The realization of high performance neutral atom optical atomic frequency standards and clocks is dependent on high spectral resolution laser spectroscopy of the clock transition. Ultra high resolution spectroscopy (at high signal to noise ratios) has been realized by the implementation of the optical lattice. The lattice enables large numbers of cold neutral atoms co-existing with minimal collisional effects . The implementation of the optical lattice at the so-called magic wavelength of the clock transition states minimizes the frequency shift due to the polarizability mismatch between the upper and lower states of the clock transition in the presence of the laser interrogating source (at 698nm).An optical lattice is formed by two overlapping laser beams, giving rise to a periodic intensity pattern due to interference. This intensity variation is experienced as a periodic potential by the atoms that are being trapped. The periodic potential can be controlled in depth via the intensity of the interfering beams and the angle between the beams determines the lattice spacing. This spacing is just half the laser wavelength for counter-propagating beams. It will support the continuation of the Sr lattice development for D-HSO [Space Optical Clock].
Procurement Policy: C(1) = Activity restricted to non-prime contractors (incl. SMEs). For additional information please go to EMITS news « Industrial Policy measures for non-primes, SMEs and R&D entities in ESA programmes ».
=> Plus d’informations sur la plateforme EMITS de l’ESA
Date limite de soumission le 17/02/2016 - Appel d'offre ESA (ESA Invitation To Tender 8506) "ABSOLUTE NAVIGATION AT SUB-CENTIMETRE LEVEL - EXPRO PLUS"The activity investigates the feasibility of having real-time GNSS-based absolute navigation at sub-centimetre level (error < 1 cm in the position domain) by a: [1] New generation GNSS System, named as High Definition GNSS (HD-GNSS), which is built upon:
- Incorporating additional GNSS satellites at MEO orbit.
- Enhancing satellite ranging signals, by increasing RF carrier-phase stability over direction of transmission and over time.
- Enhancing satellite orbit and clock information within the navigation message
Note: The European Galileo System is the starting point for the HD-GNSS system. The activity objectives encompass the HD-GNSS system architecture definition, and its preliminary design (limited to critical constituents); putting a very special emphasis on studying how satellite orbit and clock information in the navigation message could be enhanced, in order to make its contribution to the overall UERE, compatible with the HD-GNSS system target positioning accuracy. [2] New generation GNSS User equipment, named as High Definition User (HD-USER), built upon evolutions on the dual-constellation multi-carrier ambiguity resolution techniques. Note: The United States GPS III system is selected as the 2nd constellation. The GPS III system is external to the HD-GNSS system. The activity objectives encompass the HD-USER definition, and its preliminary design (limited to critical constituents); putting a very special emphasis on studying how user equipment positioning algorithms could be enhanced by advanced dual-constellation multi-carrier ambiguity resolution techniques (MCAR), solving carrier-phase ambiguities to integer numbers, with very short convergence time. – [3] The identification of the associated enabling technologies, and maturity levels (TRL).
Date limite de soumission le 01/02/2016 - Appel d'offre ESA "GALILEO SATELLITES BATCH 3 LONG LEAD ITEMS (LLI)"The European Space Agency, acting in its role as delegated procurement agent for the European Union, invites all economic operators interested to submit tenders for the Galileo Satellites Batch 3 Long Lead Items, published on the online version of the Supplement to the Official Journal of the EU.
Date limite de soumission le 01/02/2016 - ESA - Invitation to submit a Request To Participate (Step One) for a tender for Galileo Satellites Batch 3 ProcurementThe European Space Agency, acting in its role as delegated procurement agent for the European Union, invites all economic operators interested to submit a request to participate (RTP) in answer to the present Invitation and its Security Requirements for the Galileo Satellites Batch 3 Procurement, published on the online version of the Supplement to the Official Journal of the EU.
Date limite de soumission : 31/01/2016 - Appel à projets 2016 de FIRST-TFCet appel d’offre vise à soutenir des équipes du réseau FIRST-TF sur des projets ambitieux et à renforcer les collaborations entre ses membres, sur des thématiques axées sur la métrologie Temps‑Fréquence, incluant ses interfaces et ses applications.
Le soutien apporté par FIRST-TF pourra porter sur du personnel (cofinancement de bourses de thèse, financement de bourses de post-doc ou de CDDs), de l’équipement (matériel, composants, instrumentation, …) et du fonctionnement (missions, invitations de chercheurs, organisation de workshop ou de conférences, …).
Le projet proposé peut être à l’initiative de tout membre de FIRST-TF (accès à la liste des membres de FIRST-TF : laboratoire fondateur ou membre du 2ème cercle (laboratoire, industriel, centre technique). Au moins un laboratoire fondateur du Labex FIRST-TF (i.e. FEMTO-ST, GEOAZUR, LPL, SYRTE, UTINAM) doit être impérativement impliqué dans le projet proposé.
Pour toute question ou demande d’information relative à cet appel d’offre, adresser votre message à ao(at)
Date limite de soumission le 14/01/2016 - Appel d'offre BPI France "4e appel à projets de R&D structurants pour la compétitivité"Les projets de R&D structurants doivent viser notamment des retombées économiques et technologiques directes sous forme de nouveaux produits, services et technologies et des retombées indirectes en termes de structuration durable de filières.
Ils supposent une collaboration structurée permettant un effet diffusant et intégrateur au sein d’une filière plutôt que de simples relations autour d’un projet de R&D donné et limité dans le temps. Ils peuvent contribuer à structurer des filières industrielles existantes ou émergentes en relation avec la recherche publique et renforcer les positions des industries et entreprises de services sur des marchés porteurs.
Les projets attendus correspondent à des assiettes de travaux d’un montant strictement supérieur à 5 millions d’euros et pouvant atteindre voire dépasser 50 millions d’euros.
Plus d’informations et dossiers à télécharger sur le site de BPI France